Thursday, August 12, 2010

Best movie I've seen in a while...

I recently decided to throw caution to the wind and do think a little out of the box for me... I went to the movie theater ALONE! Haha. I should have done it years ago. :) I also discovered that some movie theaters have an early bird special... so before I started my new job, I went to the movies at noon on a weekday.

And I saw INCEPTION... seriously, amazing movie.

Ok, so I don't understand everything (or most things) in the film, I just know that I came out of it saying WOW out loud (truthfully I waited until I got the the car... going to the movies alone AND talking to yourself out loud = nutty).

The "basic" premise of this film is that technology has been created for people to create and enter the dreams of others in order to collect information. There is a rare use for this technology (called inception) where ideas can be placed in the mind through these dreams. The film centers on the main characters attempting to successfully complete an inception... and that's all I want to tell you plot-wise because I want you to go see it if you haven't and I don't know if I understand too much else in the movie...

So why did I like this movie so much?? It was INCREDIBLY creative... and it was a decent movie - not a lot of foul language or inappropriate scenes... I think this a movie I could watch 10 times and get something new out of each time.

This movie also emphasizes the power of dreams... yeah, this movie takes it to the extreme but our dreams can be powerful tools too. Ok, don't worry, not going all "Freud" on you or anything like that. The film also has a warning in that living in our dreams without a connection to reality can be dangerous...

I other thoughts on this film but I would like to save them until I've watched it at least one more time...