Saturday, May 17, 2014

Back on Track And The Great Movie Go Through

Ok,  I started this blog four years ago... Wow. I've seen a lot of movies since then but I'll spare you the play by play... my purpose for this blog will remain true to the original intentions (see First Blog Post). I will attempt to get back on track with my cinematic blogging...

So I recently left the job I mentioned starting in the last post and since my next job is still in the works, I've devised a project for myself -- Go through all the movies I own, watch them, and decide if I should keep it. I tried to come up with a clever name for this alas, I am a little low on creative juices. Therefore, it shall be called THE GREAT MOVIE GO THROUGH!! I own lot of movies but with the invention of Netflix instant video, I rarely watch any of them. In fact, I think I have at least 5 movies in my collection still in the plastic wrap!! So, I know I have to come up with some criteria but honestly this is probably going go with my gut (it is MY movie collection by the way) when it comes to whether they stay or go. My plan is to blog about my movie experience -- why I bought it in the first place, what memories it elicits, when would I likely watch this movie again, and finally should it stay or should it go...

I took this photo today of all my movies (now to get them off the coffee table before my roommate gets home!!).

So... where to start: THE ONES IN THE PLASTIC WRAP OF COURSE! (Which turns out, exactly 5)
Mama Mia
Dark Knight Rises
Les Miserables (2012)
King's Speech
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Next group will likely be the "um, why DO I own this movie" group... with some all time favorites just to keep me focused :)

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