Sunday, September 14, 2014

Boyish-Chick-Flick: Dan in Real Life

Dan in Real Life

How long have I owned it: I got it around 2008-2009 ish? I don't really know when.

What emotions/memories does it elicit: I just love this movie. I mean, I know I say that a lot. I remember this being the first straight-role movie I saw Steve Carrell was in and was really looking forward to it. I really enjoy showing this movie to folks for the first time as well. I also own the sound track to this movie which was primarily done by Sondre Lerche -- I learned from watching the special features that he spent time on set with the cast while he was composing the music. I definitely remember the movie being enhanced by the music. 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 8/16/14) So my month-long roommate wanted to have a movie night and I was down for that -- anything to avoid packing. Unfortunately, I pulled my back out -- so I spent the movie trying to keep from moving :). But this movie was a great distraction to both packing and pain. The movie focuses on Dan who is a widowed father of three girls (2 of which are teenagers). He is the author of an advice column for parents and families. The movie takes place as he and the girls travel to his parents' vacation home as they "pack it up for the winter" (being a Southern, I don't really understand this concept). Dan has two married sisters, one married brother, and one single brother. He has a ton of nieces and nephews. So yeah, it is big ole family fun time. His family is all worried that Dan is not getting himself out there and trying to find love. He escapes the family and finds himself in a book store meeting a beautiful woman with whom he instantly connects. They part ways and in lovely-movie-awkwardness, she is the new girl friend of his single brother. Dan spends the movie dealing with the fact that the one woman he's had any connection with since his wife it completely unavailable... and doesn't always handle himself appropriately. His lack of decorum kind of spills over into how he hands his oldest daughter's desire for freedom, his middle daughters "love" life, and his youngest daughter becoming more independent.

After Thoughts: I love this movie because it's messy in the midst of being heartfelt. Dan has this amazing family and support system that gets in the way and throws him into a place where he can let go and ask the woman he cares for to let his love open the door to her heart. He comes to a crisis of everything he has advised to do and what his heart is telling him. He concludes this journey with this realization: "Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should tell them to plan to be surprised."My roommate enjoyed the movie and made the comment "he's being all weird." Love makes us act weird -- and that's a good thing sometimes. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Steve Carell was in Get Smart with Anne Hathaway; Anne was in previously watched Les Miserables (2012).**

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