Thursday, August 12, 2010

Best movie I've seen in a while...

I recently decided to throw caution to the wind and do think a little out of the box for me... I went to the movie theater ALONE! Haha. I should have done it years ago. :) I also discovered that some movie theaters have an early bird special... so before I started my new job, I went to the movies at noon on a weekday.

And I saw INCEPTION... seriously, amazing movie.

Ok, so I don't understand everything (or most things) in the film, I just know that I came out of it saying WOW out loud (truthfully I waited until I got the the car... going to the movies alone AND talking to yourself out loud = nutty).

The "basic" premise of this film is that technology has been created for people to create and enter the dreams of others in order to collect information. There is a rare use for this technology (called inception) where ideas can be placed in the mind through these dreams. The film centers on the main characters attempting to successfully complete an inception... and that's all I want to tell you plot-wise because I want you to go see it if you haven't and I don't know if I understand too much else in the movie...

So why did I like this movie so much?? It was INCREDIBLY creative... and it was a decent movie - not a lot of foul language or inappropriate scenes... I think this a movie I could watch 10 times and get something new out of each time.

This movie also emphasizes the power of dreams... yeah, this movie takes it to the extreme but our dreams can be powerful tools too. Ok, don't worry, not going all "Freud" on you or anything like that. The film also has a warning in that living in our dreams without a connection to reality can be dangerous...

I other thoughts on this film but I would like to save them until I've watched it at least one more time...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Movies I've seen lately

OK, so I haven't really embraced this blog like I thought I might. My problem is that I am very self critical and usually talk myself out of writing something that might be not that great... but isn't that the whole point of blogging? writing whatever you want?!!?!

OK, enough introspection... on to the flicks.

I recently discovered that there are actual movies to check out at the public library (not just "educational" ones). I know most of you probably knew this already... Last week I checked out two that I had never seen... one comedy and one drama...

First the comedy... I (heart) Huckabees.

As you can see from the front, its supposed to be laugh-out-loud funny... humm. I might have shouted-out-loud, but laughing was far from my response of this flick.

It was basically making fun of existential crisis, I think... I just think it was a big crazy fest that made fun of things that were so random and nonsensical... Plus, it portrayed Christians as greedy, politically extreme right that spend their time justifying the overuse of finite resources, and not being allowed to question anything... (where did that soap box come from? I better get off, I suppose)...

So for me, this movie is not worth the trip to the library and the two hours of my life that I will never get back. If you like really wacko humor that isn't afraid to demoralize people, ideas, and life itself, watch away : )

The other film I picked up was The Namesake

I had been wanting to watch this movie for some time now, probably since I took social and cultural issues in grad school. I am fascinated with how families are impacted by relocating from their culture of origin into another.

This film follows the journey of an Indian couple who come to the US in the late 70s and start their family. The name of their first born becomes a central theme of the film as he is named for the father's favorite author Gogol Nikhil. It is how the family interacts with the culture around them and begins to embrace some of the culture of the US that shapes how they handle life's changes.

I enjoyed this movie. It gave an honest glimpse of how our culture influences how we respond events in our lives and with each choice there are consequences.
From the other reviews of this movie (which is also a book), it seems to be accurate with few exceptions. For those who are interested in culture this would be a great watch.

Well, there goes the first real reviews... decided not to give a rating just yet... might take me two months to write again if I tried to figure that out : )

Friday, May 14, 2010

What kinds of movies I watch....

If you take a look at my movie collection, it becomes painfully obvious that I enjoy a good romantic comedy or chick flick as they have been so lovingly called. But what can I say? I'm a girl and I like that sort of thing. Some cynical person might say that these are rotting my brain and warping my view of love... blah blah blah, heartless nitwits (yes, I just used nitwits... trying to keep this blog PG)! I enjoy them immensely...

I also really enjoy a good, clean, slapstick comedy... and believe it or not a killer action movie (comes from growing up with two brothers and a dad who also are movie buffs).

OK so, I should warn you, there are some movies that avoid... for instance, what I refer to as "gross" comedies - most movies with Will Ferrell (even though I adore him) or that really tall guy who made the phrase "Money" popular... his name escapes me... Granted, I admit that I recently saw Anchorman on TV and rather enjoyed it... there is just a fine line between funny and unnecessary and those movies tend to cross it for me...

Other types that avoid are scary movies... Unfortunately, I've seen my fair share of them thanks to my inability to say no to certain people in my life... My problem is nightmares; these dang movies give me nightmares! I once had a roommate for two years who loved scary movies and it would frustrate her when I would be unwilling to subject myself to watching such a movie... I would promptly get off the hook by saying, "You wanna sit up with me all night and hold my hand when I think that demons are going to come after me at 3am or that freaky people are crawling out from under my bed?? Didn't think so!"

Other than that, I will pretty much watch most movies at least once...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So here goes something...

I've been throwing the idea of starting a movie blog around for a while now...

I love Movies... I do. I have for a very long time. I speak and often think in movie lines... and I don't have just ONE favorite movie... when people ask me, "What's your all time favorite movie?" I usually reply, "I can't just pick ONE!!"

So not only do I love movies, I love to talk about movies... So here I am, starting this blog about movies.

Topics will include, but not limited to: Top 5 movie lists, movie reviews, movie trivia, movie music... you get it right? Its going to be about movies... So grab your favorite movie snack and settle in... I hope you enjoy!