Friday, May 14, 2010

What kinds of movies I watch....

If you take a look at my movie collection, it becomes painfully obvious that I enjoy a good romantic comedy or chick flick as they have been so lovingly called. But what can I say? I'm a girl and I like that sort of thing. Some cynical person might say that these are rotting my brain and warping my view of love... blah blah blah, heartless nitwits (yes, I just used nitwits... trying to keep this blog PG)! I enjoy them immensely...

I also really enjoy a good, clean, slapstick comedy... and believe it or not a killer action movie (comes from growing up with two brothers and a dad who also are movie buffs).

OK so, I should warn you, there are some movies that avoid... for instance, what I refer to as "gross" comedies - most movies with Will Ferrell (even though I adore him) or that really tall guy who made the phrase "Money" popular... his name escapes me... Granted, I admit that I recently saw Anchorman on TV and rather enjoyed it... there is just a fine line between funny and unnecessary and those movies tend to cross it for me...

Other types that avoid are scary movies... Unfortunately, I've seen my fair share of them thanks to my inability to say no to certain people in my life... My problem is nightmares; these dang movies give me nightmares! I once had a roommate for two years who loved scary movies and it would frustrate her when I would be unwilling to subject myself to watching such a movie... I would promptly get off the hook by saying, "You wanna sit up with me all night and hold my hand when I think that demons are going to come after me at 3am or that freaky people are crawling out from under my bed?? Didn't think so!"

Other than that, I will pretty much watch most movies at least once...


  1. ... yeah, Vince Vaughn (sorry this reply is about four years late, sashyjane)

  2. Way to go keeping up with your fans
