Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sporty-Chick-Flick: Fever Pitch

How long have I owned it: I think I got this for my birthday in 2007or2008 and I had never seen it before. 

What memories or emotions does it elicit: Well, honestly I've only watched this movie once and wasn't really invested. I like Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore but didn't really feel this movie which explains why I've seen it 

Lights, Camera, Action: So I find myself sitting here on a Wednesday night with an empty Hulu que. So I decided to watch a movie and since it's October lots of sports fans watch a lot of baseball this time of year (I wouldn't know... you, know being a Braves fan). So I watch the first of my baseball themed flicks... 

After thoughts:  Yeah, I just don't really like this movie. Though I like the actors, I don't connect with the characters. I think the businessy-business lady and the sports-obessessed dude just doesn't work for me. I do get the "he's/she's 30 and single; what's wrong with him/her" 'cause some of that's true. But still it just seemed rushed (and the movie doesn't even clock in at two hours so that might be why). Even the ensemble cast didn't do it for me... So, take that to every person who's looked at my movie collection and said "woa, you only like chick flicks" (minus the fact that I am a chick). There are chick flicks that I don't like... and this is one of them. 

Verdict: So long 

**TGMGT Six Degrees of Separation: Drew Barrymore was previously seen in The Wedding Singer

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