Monday, October 6, 2014

Sporty-Chick-Flick: She's The Man

Ok, so I liberated some of the videos from my storage unit and posted the pic to instagram. I got multiple comments about this movie and I decided to start with this one. So what's a sporty chick flick you ask? I chick flick with a sporty theme. Others in this category include: A League of Their Own; Fever Pitch; and The Cutting Edge.

How long have I owned it: Three years -- I remember finding it on a $5 rack and being so excited that I invited some friends over especially to watch it. 

What memories or emotions does it elicit: So I can't remember the first time I watched but the emotion I have associated with it is PURE JOY! I love quoting this movie (I'll share some of my favorites below) and I watched this DVD for the first time with my friend MP with whom I quoted it a lot. So very fond memories. 

Lights, Camera, Action: As well as being sporty (Soccer to be exact), this movie also has a fun Shakespeare connection as it is based on one my favoirte Bill Shakespeare comedy: Twelfth Knight. 
Viola wants to get a soccer scholarship but when her soccer team gets cut and she's prevented from joining the boys team. What's a girl to do? Pose as her twin brother Sebastian (while he's away for a few weeks) at his new boarding school and get on their soccer team (which conviently plays her old school the first game of the season) but at try outs she is assigned 2nd string status. "Her" roommate is Duke, the school's star striker. Olivia is the girl Duke has been crushing on for years and has never had the nerve to ask out. Viola agrees to help Duke get in good with Olivia if he helps her up her soccer skills to make the 1st string by the big game. Unfornately, Olivia starts falling for her... cause she's pretending to be a boy. Viola luckily has three friends who are helping her with the rouse but unfortunately she up against Sebastian's snotty girlfriend and Malcolm a guy who might be stocking Olivia. Anyway, you can image the mad-cap craziness that ensues. 

After thoughts:  First and foremost this movie makes me kinda sad that Amanda Bynes has lost her marbles cause that kid was FUN-NY! I used to watch her on All That on Nicholean with my lil bro back in the day (Look up Ask Ashley -- you will thank me). She's hilarious -- I hope she gets whatever's going on with her figured out (Ok, Ok, I will stop being a therapist for a second). Ok, so I also love looking at Channing Tatum, I mean what? So during this viewing I was enjoying some the pop cultural aspects of this being filmed 8 years ago -- everybody has these silver flip phones and makes references to emailing to make plans (versus texting or social media-ing). I like this movie because it doesn't take itself too seriously and ends well. My only pet peeve is that she plays soccer without tying her hair up... 
As promised, a few of my favorite quotes in this movie are: 

I am dude. I am a hunkie dude. I am a badass hunkie dude. 
Bros, brothers, bretheren? 
Do you like cheese? Why yes I do, my favorite's gouda. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees of Separation: Amanda Bynes was in What A Girl Wants with Colin Firth who was previously seen in King's Speech.

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