Saturday, September 13, 2014

Textbook-Chick-Flick: While You Were Sleeping

Where has the month of July gone? And how have I gone over three weeks without watching  a movie?!?

While You Were Sleeping

When did I get this: I ordered this online (back when that wasn't really a big thing) in college -- I remember this because when I first got it in the mail, the disk was broken, so I had to get another one sent (first world problems!) 

Memories/emotions: I've watched this movie so many times and remember distinctly making people watch ti with my in college. I have one memory of showing it to my friend from Sovokia and I can still hear her quoting Joe Jr in her beautiful, thick accent. 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/21/14) Well, I've been visiting family, getting things done, and didn't have internet for a while. So this evening I just decided "I'm gonna watch a movie!" Grabbed an old faithful. 

Here's the text-book-ness of this one:
Meet Cute: Well, Lucy meets Peter (finally) when she rescues him from being hit by an L train... she meets the family when she is mistaken for Peter's fiance. 
Reflective Friends: One the reasons I love this movie is the ensemble cast. We have Lucy's boss who knows the situation from the beginning, next door neighbor Saul who finds out and agrees to help her, and the parents/grandmother/little sister who are clueless. The banter and wit of these folks makes this movie. Oh and there is also Joe Jr: Lucy's landlord's idiot son who delusionally thinks that he is dating Lucy
Exit and Chase: At Peter and Lucy's wedding, Lucy & Jack object. Lucy proceeds to tell the truth about the whole situation and leaves. 
Speech and Kiss: Jack (accompanied by the fam) came to Lucy's CTA booth to ask her to marry him. They kiss as the family looks on (not awkward at all). 

After thoughts: I love this movie. It's really creative concept -- I don't think there was or has been any movies where someone was mistaken for someone's fiance while in he was in comma and then falls for his brother. I love Sandra Bullock and this is one of my favorites of hers. Have I mentioned how I the ensemble cast of this movie? (I never said Ceasar Romaro was Spanish.) And who doesn't love Bill Pullman (Ok never see Mr. Right, ok?) as the leading man. This movies teachs valuable lessons on how to keep comments to yourself after rescuing a complete stranger, how to look on the brightside after having a um accident as a male (more room in his jockey shorts), and how to communicate to the opposite sex that you're interested-- the lean. This could possibly be one of my all time favorites if I had the ability to do that without my head exploding. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Sandra Bullock, Brendan Frazier (Mummy movies), and Don Cheatle (Oceans movies) were all in Crash together. 

1 comment:

  1. I found a ton of errors and I just had to fix them... :)
