Sunday, September 14, 2014

Textbook-Chick-Flick: Two Weeks Notice

Two Weeks Notice

How long have I owned it: Again, it is trapped in storage so I can't check to see if it has the sticker from college but I know that I've owned it for a while.

What emotions/memories does it elicit: I am pretty sure I went to see this movie at the theaters during college with friends. I only saw a couple movies in that tiny theater the town I went to undergrad but I am pretty sure this was one. I loved it from the beginning. It's one of those quotable movies that I often and sometimes feel like I'm living... I am very much a Lucy Kelson. I've more times than I can count been in a job that felt all consuming (the most recent one definitely comes to mind). Also I think I have mentioned before watching movies with the commentary on and this is one of my favorites because it has Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant where Sandy points out all the women that Hugh hit on --CLASSIC!

Here's the textbook breakdown:
Meet Cute: Lucy is a lawyer hell bent on stopping the man from destroying historical building... George is the man -- highly womanizing man -- owner of one of the offending companies in Lucy's eyes. They meet when Lucy confronts him personally about saving her community center and he offers her a job as his lead counsel. Going against all her values and career aspirations, she accepts the job... which consumes her life.
Reflective Friends: Lucy's parents (also activist lawyers) and her best friend Meryl provide supportive humor to her disastrous job. George has his wise cracking chauffeur Tony and his brother Howard, CEO of Wade Industries.
Exit and Chase: After George abuses Lucy's professional opinion to help him pick out clothes, his personal stationary, pick out a mattress, and find a woman who doesn't know he's rich, she finally puts in her two week's notice... to which he prevents her from finding another job until the job to promise to save the community center is complete. So after humorous interviews for her replacement, a pretty young thing replacement (June) is found... the exit occurs when the project takes a turn for the worse and the company can't save the community center as promised. Lucy unfortunately finds out from June.. and then finds June and George in the middle of a game of strip chess. Lucy leaves the company feeling rejected and betrayed... and yes, broken-hearted.
Speech and Kiss: Well George has to make a speech concerning tearing down the community center without the help of Lucy... so he goes to Legal Aide where she now works to read the speech to her... Where he explains that they will NOT be tearing down the community center for this reason: "mainly because this person, despite being unusually stubborn and unwilling to compromise and a very poor dresser, is... she's rather like the building she loves so much. A little rough around the edges but, when you look closely, absolutely beautiful. And the only one of her kind. And even though I've said cruel things and driven her away, she's become the voice in my head. And I can't seem to drown her out. And I don't want to drown her out. So, we are going to keep the community center. Because I gave my word to her and because we gave our word to the community. And I didn't sleep with June. That's not in the speech, that's just me letting you know that important fact. What do you think?" Lucy initially lets him go but of course goes after him. They confess that they love each other and kiss... a pretty dang good one too :) 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 8/11/14) So, I'm watched this movie the first day of packing... oddly enough I usually watch Sandy movies while I pack/unpack. And since I've seen this movie like a hundred times, I can easily watch it while demolishing my room -- that's how I pack, I pull everything out and then live in complete disaster area until I finish packing.

After thoughts: As I have eluded in this post and others, I am "between jobs" (fancy way of saying unemployed) after leaving a job that consumed my life. I sometimes wish it could have been as comical as this one and ended with me being mutually in love with a millionaire but alas, I live in the real world not a rom-com. I just love how witty this movie is. Reading my breakdown above does not do it justice. They really do grow personally because each in their lives. She helps him avoid hooking up with gold diggers and he helps her get over her latest breakup and exposes her lack of falling in love.  He learns to keep his promises and she learns to let a man into her heart.

Verdict: Keeper!

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Second Sandy movie -- first was While You Were Sleeping.**

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