Saturday, September 13, 2014

Textbook-Chick-Flick: Return To Me

Return to Me

How long have I owned it: I can tell you exactly how long and when I got this. After undergrad, I was stuck at my parents house with no job (oh dear, really? Come on. Fine. Whatever.) One day as I was preparing my delicious breakfast (probably at 11am if I'm real honest) of Eggo Waffles, I noticed that if I saved the tops of 6 boxes, I could get a free movie in the mail... So I became obsessed with eating waffles. I finally had a goal. I could accomplish something (woa, again, scarily similar to now).

What memories or emotions does it ellicit: Well, I remember loving it before I owned it. I am quite certain that one of my friends from college owned and we watched it a lot. I have fond memories of this movie especially the since of joy I had when I finally ate enough waffles to get it. It came in a paper sleeve that it still resides in today.

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/3or4/14) Well, by this time my little cousins and I made it to my grandma's house. My other "little" cousin and her fiance (gasp!) came to visit too. We all snugged into the living room to watch a classic "Sherri" movie. I am pretty sure none of them had seen it before. My engaged cousin proudly told me that she has been having her fiance watch all the classics with her - When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seatle to name a few. Made my heart happy! :)

Here's the text-book-ness of this one:
Meet Cute: Well Boy (Bob) loses wife in car accident. Girl (Grace) gets Bob's-dead-wife's-heart. They meet when he goes on his first blind date and she's the waitress. They instantly believe that have met before. He "accidentally" leaves his cell phone and comes back the next night to retrieve it.
Reflective Friends: OK, so next to "While You Were Sleeping" this is my favorite ensemble cast movie. You got Bob's Vet friend Charlie who worked with his wife. You got Grace's best friend Megan and husband Joe and their like 10 rowdy kids. You got four meddling old widowers: Grace's grandpa Marty and great uncle Angelo (who own/run an Irish-Italian restaurant); Megan's dad Emmet; and another guy Wally who's go a new caddy. Oh yeah and Sophie who's works on the restaurant too and is sweet on Wally. The conversations involving these folks makes the movie. 
Exit and Chase:  As you could already guess, Grace figures out that she has Bob's dead wife's heart ("What was God thinking?"). She tells him and then runs away to Italy.
Speech and Kiss: So I think the best speech in this movie was between Marty and Bob. Marty tells him "I know that what's happened has been overwhelming. And I know it's going to take a while to sort it all out. But while you're sorting, I want you to remember that all the times I prayed that Gracie would have a second chance at life, I always knew that if God blessed us, the heart she got would have to be from a very special person, if it were going to be at home in Grace. When she met you, her heart beat truly for the first time. Perhaps it was meant to be with you always." So Bob goes all the way to Italy they kiss. (I'm pretty sure all they say to each other is "I came all the way to Italy" or something. Marty speech was better). 

After thoughts: I love sharing my favorite movies with others. My cousins and future cousin loved it. I of course loved it. It's one of those rare-watch-anytime movies. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Minnie Driver was in "Good Will Hunting" with Matt Damon. Matt Damon was in the Oceans films. -- 2nd use of "Good Will Hunting."**

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