Sunday, September 14, 2014

Boyish-Chick-Flick: Dan in Real Life

Dan in Real Life

How long have I owned it: I got it around 2008-2009 ish? I don't really know when.

What emotions/memories does it elicit: I just love this movie. I mean, I know I say that a lot. I remember this being the first straight-role movie I saw Steve Carrell was in and was really looking forward to it. I really enjoy showing this movie to folks for the first time as well. I also own the sound track to this movie which was primarily done by Sondre Lerche -- I learned from watching the special features that he spent time on set with the cast while he was composing the music. I definitely remember the movie being enhanced by the music. 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 8/16/14) So my month-long roommate wanted to have a movie night and I was down for that -- anything to avoid packing. Unfortunately, I pulled my back out -- so I spent the movie trying to keep from moving :). But this movie was a great distraction to both packing and pain. The movie focuses on Dan who is a widowed father of three girls (2 of which are teenagers). He is the author of an advice column for parents and families. The movie takes place as he and the girls travel to his parents' vacation home as they "pack it up for the winter" (being a Southern, I don't really understand this concept). Dan has two married sisters, one married brother, and one single brother. He has a ton of nieces and nephews. So yeah, it is big ole family fun time. His family is all worried that Dan is not getting himself out there and trying to find love. He escapes the family and finds himself in a book store meeting a beautiful woman with whom he instantly connects. They part ways and in lovely-movie-awkwardness, she is the new girl friend of his single brother. Dan spends the movie dealing with the fact that the one woman he's had any connection with since his wife it completely unavailable... and doesn't always handle himself appropriately. His lack of decorum kind of spills over into how he hands his oldest daughter's desire for freedom, his middle daughters "love" life, and his youngest daughter becoming more independent.

After Thoughts: I love this movie because it's messy in the midst of being heartfelt. Dan has this amazing family and support system that gets in the way and throws him into a place where he can let go and ask the woman he cares for to let his love open the door to her heart. He comes to a crisis of everything he has advised to do and what his heart is telling him. He concludes this journey with this realization: "Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should tell them to plan to be surprised."My roommate enjoyed the movie and made the comment "he's being all weird." Love makes us act weird -- and that's a good thing sometimes. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Steve Carell was in Get Smart with Anne Hathaway; Anne was in previously watched Les Miserables (2012).**

Textbook-Chick-Flick: Two Weeks Notice

Two Weeks Notice

How long have I owned it: Again, it is trapped in storage so I can't check to see if it has the sticker from college but I know that I've owned it for a while.

What emotions/memories does it elicit: I am pretty sure I went to see this movie at the theaters during college with friends. I only saw a couple movies in that tiny theater the town I went to undergrad but I am pretty sure this was one. I loved it from the beginning. It's one of those quotable movies that I often and sometimes feel like I'm living... I am very much a Lucy Kelson. I've more times than I can count been in a job that felt all consuming (the most recent one definitely comes to mind). Also I think I have mentioned before watching movies with the commentary on and this is one of my favorites because it has Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant where Sandy points out all the women that Hugh hit on --CLASSIC!

Here's the textbook breakdown:
Meet Cute: Lucy is a lawyer hell bent on stopping the man from destroying historical building... George is the man -- highly womanizing man -- owner of one of the offending companies in Lucy's eyes. They meet when Lucy confronts him personally about saving her community center and he offers her a job as his lead counsel. Going against all her values and career aspirations, she accepts the job... which consumes her life.
Reflective Friends: Lucy's parents (also activist lawyers) and her best friend Meryl provide supportive humor to her disastrous job. George has his wise cracking chauffeur Tony and his brother Howard, CEO of Wade Industries.
Exit and Chase: After George abuses Lucy's professional opinion to help him pick out clothes, his personal stationary, pick out a mattress, and find a woman who doesn't know he's rich, she finally puts in her two week's notice... to which he prevents her from finding another job until the job to promise to save the community center is complete. So after humorous interviews for her replacement, a pretty young thing replacement (June) is found... the exit occurs when the project takes a turn for the worse and the company can't save the community center as promised. Lucy unfortunately finds out from June.. and then finds June and George in the middle of a game of strip chess. Lucy leaves the company feeling rejected and betrayed... and yes, broken-hearted.
Speech and Kiss: Well George has to make a speech concerning tearing down the community center without the help of Lucy... so he goes to Legal Aide where she now works to read the speech to her... Where he explains that they will NOT be tearing down the community center for this reason: "mainly because this person, despite being unusually stubborn and unwilling to compromise and a very poor dresser, is... she's rather like the building she loves so much. A little rough around the edges but, when you look closely, absolutely beautiful. And the only one of her kind. And even though I've said cruel things and driven her away, she's become the voice in my head. And I can't seem to drown her out. And I don't want to drown her out. So, we are going to keep the community center. Because I gave my word to her and because we gave our word to the community. And I didn't sleep with June. That's not in the speech, that's just me letting you know that important fact. What do you think?" Lucy initially lets him go but of course goes after him. They confess that they love each other and kiss... a pretty dang good one too :) 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 8/11/14) So, I'm watched this movie the first day of packing... oddly enough I usually watch Sandy movies while I pack/unpack. And since I've seen this movie like a hundred times, I can easily watch it while demolishing my room -- that's how I pack, I pull everything out and then live in complete disaster area until I finish packing.

After thoughts: As I have eluded in this post and others, I am "between jobs" (fancy way of saying unemployed) after leaving a job that consumed my life. I sometimes wish it could have been as comical as this one and ended with me being mutually in love with a millionaire but alas, I live in the real world not a rom-com. I just love how witty this movie is. Reading my breakdown above does not do it justice. They really do grow personally because each in their lives. She helps him avoid hooking up with gold diggers and he helps her get over her latest breakup and exposes her lack of falling in love.  He learns to keep his promises and she learns to let a man into her heart.

Verdict: Keeper!

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Second Sandy movie -- first was While You Were Sleeping.**

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Textbook-Chick-Flick: Return To Me

Return to Me

How long have I owned it: I can tell you exactly how long and when I got this. After undergrad, I was stuck at my parents house with no job (oh dear, really? Come on. Fine. Whatever.) One day as I was preparing my delicious breakfast (probably at 11am if I'm real honest) of Eggo Waffles, I noticed that if I saved the tops of 6 boxes, I could get a free movie in the mail... So I became obsessed with eating waffles. I finally had a goal. I could accomplish something (woa, again, scarily similar to now).

What memories or emotions does it ellicit: Well, I remember loving it before I owned it. I am quite certain that one of my friends from college owned and we watched it a lot. I have fond memories of this movie especially the since of joy I had when I finally ate enough waffles to get it. It came in a paper sleeve that it still resides in today.

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/3or4/14) Well, by this time my little cousins and I made it to my grandma's house. My other "little" cousin and her fiance (gasp!) came to visit too. We all snugged into the living room to watch a classic "Sherri" movie. I am pretty sure none of them had seen it before. My engaged cousin proudly told me that she has been having her fiance watch all the classics with her - When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seatle to name a few. Made my heart happy! :)

Here's the text-book-ness of this one:
Meet Cute: Well Boy (Bob) loses wife in car accident. Girl (Grace) gets Bob's-dead-wife's-heart. They meet when he goes on his first blind date and she's the waitress. They instantly believe that have met before. He "accidentally" leaves his cell phone and comes back the next night to retrieve it.
Reflective Friends: OK, so next to "While You Were Sleeping" this is my favorite ensemble cast movie. You got Bob's Vet friend Charlie who worked with his wife. You got Grace's best friend Megan and husband Joe and their like 10 rowdy kids. You got four meddling old widowers: Grace's grandpa Marty and great uncle Angelo (who own/run an Irish-Italian restaurant); Megan's dad Emmet; and another guy Wally who's go a new caddy. Oh yeah and Sophie who's works on the restaurant too and is sweet on Wally. The conversations involving these folks makes the movie. 
Exit and Chase:  As you could already guess, Grace figures out that she has Bob's dead wife's heart ("What was God thinking?"). She tells him and then runs away to Italy.
Speech and Kiss: So I think the best speech in this movie was between Marty and Bob. Marty tells him "I know that what's happened has been overwhelming. And I know it's going to take a while to sort it all out. But while you're sorting, I want you to remember that all the times I prayed that Gracie would have a second chance at life, I always knew that if God blessed us, the heart she got would have to be from a very special person, if it were going to be at home in Grace. When she met you, her heart beat truly for the first time. Perhaps it was meant to be with you always." So Bob goes all the way to Italy they kiss. (I'm pretty sure all they say to each other is "I came all the way to Italy" or something. Marty speech was better). 

After thoughts: I love sharing my favorite movies with others. My cousins and future cousin loved it. I of course loved it. It's one of those rare-watch-anytime movies. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Minnie Driver was in "Good Will Hunting" with Matt Damon. Matt Damon was in the Oceans films. -- 2nd use of "Good Will Hunting."**

Textbook-Chick-Flick: While You Were Sleeping

Where has the month of July gone? And how have I gone over three weeks without watching  a movie?!?

While You Were Sleeping

When did I get this: I ordered this online (back when that wasn't really a big thing) in college -- I remember this because when I first got it in the mail, the disk was broken, so I had to get another one sent (first world problems!) 

Memories/emotions: I've watched this movie so many times and remember distinctly making people watch ti with my in college. I have one memory of showing it to my friend from Sovokia and I can still hear her quoting Joe Jr in her beautiful, thick accent. 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/21/14) Well, I've been visiting family, getting things done, and didn't have internet for a while. So this evening I just decided "I'm gonna watch a movie!" Grabbed an old faithful. 

Here's the text-book-ness of this one:
Meet Cute: Well, Lucy meets Peter (finally) when she rescues him from being hit by an L train... she meets the family when she is mistaken for Peter's fiance. 
Reflective Friends: One the reasons I love this movie is the ensemble cast. We have Lucy's boss who knows the situation from the beginning, next door neighbor Saul who finds out and agrees to help her, and the parents/grandmother/little sister who are clueless. The banter and wit of these folks makes this movie. Oh and there is also Joe Jr: Lucy's landlord's idiot son who delusionally thinks that he is dating Lucy
Exit and Chase: At Peter and Lucy's wedding, Lucy & Jack object. Lucy proceeds to tell the truth about the whole situation and leaves. 
Speech and Kiss: Jack (accompanied by the fam) came to Lucy's CTA booth to ask her to marry him. They kiss as the family looks on (not awkward at all). 

After thoughts: I love this movie. It's really creative concept -- I don't think there was or has been any movies where someone was mistaken for someone's fiance while in he was in comma and then falls for his brother. I love Sandra Bullock and this is one of my favorites of hers. Have I mentioned how I the ensemble cast of this movie? (I never said Ceasar Romaro was Spanish.) And who doesn't love Bill Pullman (Ok never see Mr. Right, ok?) as the leading man. This movies teachs valuable lessons on how to keep comments to yourself after rescuing a complete stranger, how to look on the brightside after having a um accident as a male (more room in his jockey shorts), and how to communicate to the opposite sex that you're interested-- the lean. This could possibly be one of my all time favorites if I had the ability to do that without my head exploding. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Sandra Bullock, Brendan Frazier (Mummy movies), and Don Cheatle (Oceans movies) were all in Crash together. 

Boyish-Chick-Flick: The Wedding Singer

Woa, I know what you're thinking. What is the deal with all this time since my last post? Well, I've had a busy month. I moved by in with my parents -- the joy of every 30-something -- and have been working through my depression getting settled. I am committed to finishing this project (at some point) and will catch up on four films I watched back in late July-August before I liberate my movies from the storage unit and get back to this.

The Wedding Singer

How Long Have I Owned It: Well, I honestly can't remember and because I just moved, it's stuck in a box somewhere :) I am pretty sure I bought this one in college though.

What memories or emotions does it elicit: So I can't remember when I first watched this movie, I just remember that I loved it from the first moment. I mean, how can you go wrong with 80's music infused, Adam Sandler, and Drew Barrymore wonderfulness. I do have to admit that I have soft spot for Adam Sandler that only comes from getting to see Happy Gilmore in the movie theater but I digress. I remember being really excited when I got this movie because the DVD version I have has 80s music video sing-a-longs on it.

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/28/14) So if you remember from my last post, I had my two younger cousins down visiting with me. After a particularly adventurous day, we nestled in to watch a movie at bedtime. Well, after about 15 minutes, both girls were fast asleep. At least I stayed up for the end.

After thoughts: Have I mentioned that I love this movie? I mean it's got 80s clothes, music, and references all over the place. Granted, I am an 80's baby not so much a kid but I can still appreciate the nostalgia this movie brings (If only I owned Can't Hardly Wait). This viewing was no different than any other as I enjoyed every minute of it. I had to stifle my chuckles at some of my favorite senses as to not to wake the girls. And I of course I sighed at the playing of Grow Old With You because that's all we really want in life, someone to grow old with us and take care of us when have too much to drink. :)

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Drew Barrymore was in "He's Just Not Into You" with Ben Affleck. Ben Affleck was in "Good Will Hunting" with Matt Damon. Matt Damon was in the Oceans movies already viewed. **