Thursday, May 29, 2014

Boyish-Chick-Flicks: Joe Versus the Volcano

Boyish Chick-Flicks: These are romantic comedies with the main character is a dude :)

Joe Versus the Volcano

How long have I owned it: I bought this the same day as The Dark Knight Rises for $3

Memories/emotions it elicits: I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I especially love showing this movie to people who have never seen it--in fact that is the reason I've already watched it since buying it a month or so ago. I can't really recall the first time I saw it but part of me wants to be really cryptic and not give away too much because you should really enjoy this for yourself. I will give you the IMDB description: "When a hypochondriac learns that he is dying, he accepts an offer to throw himself in a volcano at a tropical island, and along the way there, learns to truly live." I had difficulty identifying the genre but ultimately landed on rom-com with a male lead. This movie is soo quirky and makes fun of itself. It's got over-the-top characters, tounge-in-cheek moments, a dude-make-over lead by the coolest/wisest chauffeur ever (played by ), well placed music, and the first  and  pairing (dang I own all three, could have made it its own category!).

Lights, Camera, Action: So... I've been throwing around the idea of having guest watchers as movies are usually more fun when watching with others. Last night, I made plans to hang out with my teacher-friend Abby to celebrate her end of the school year and she asked me to bring over the next movie I had planned to watch. In typical "me" fashion, I brought over like 10. I asked to her to try to pick out one she has never seen. So after narrowing it down to 4 and doing "eeny-mini-miny-mo" we landed on this one. I was so excited because as mentioned above I love showing this to folks who have never seen it. So we enjoyed our pizza and celebratory beverages while watching this great movie. 

After thoughts: I still love this movie. It's a crazy combination of existential revelation and silliness (kind of pretty much explains me, ha!). I felt a fresh sense of "YEAH" when Joe tells off his boss when he quits (and maybe some envy that I didn't get to leave with such gusto--probably because I believe I have more than just a few months to live). I laughed thinking that this plot wouldn't work now since as soon as someone claimed a diagnosis of "brain cloud" they'd hit up WebMD (You mean you were diagnosed with something called a brain cloud and didn't ask for a second opinion?).

I love watching movies with others for this reason: we picked up on several random references to the Sound of Music (which I wasn't able to confirm yet) that I had never noticed before (One of the characters calls herself a flibbertigibbet and another talks about having confidence in herself).
So we decided that we need to have a sage chauffeur to drive us around, help show us who we are through clothing, and tell us we're going to be ok after saying something like this "...there are certain times in your life when I guess you're not supposed to have anybody, you know? There are certain doors you have to go through alone."
Meg Ryan was awesome (times three) as she uses skills not typically seen in her later rom-com flicks. Tom Hanks oh how I adore him as an actor with all his quirky, awesome mannerisms and charm.
All around great movie I am very pleased I own. 
Abby graciously thanked me for showing her this cult classic (dang, another category this could have fit into) and quoted, "where ever we go, we're taking this luggage with us."

Verdit: KEEPER (of course)

**TGMGT Seven degrees: Ok this one was trick but director/writer  also directed/wrote Doubt staring Merle Streep already seen in Mama Mia**

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: The Dark Knight Rises

FINALLY DONE WITH ONE CATEGORY! Ok, so I've decided I can be a little more sporadic in future viewing so I'll be tackling movies from different categories... but on to my final "Still in the Plastic" flick

The Dark Knight Rises

How long I have owned it: I bought it for $5 (common occurrence for me) about a month or so ago.

What memories or emotions does it elicit: So, probably one of the reasons its taken me so long to watch this is because I don't really have any strong memories of seeing it (only once). In fact I can't even remember if it was in the theater or at home, which is strange for me. The reason for this is likely that this movie came out the summer of 2012. I lost a really good friend that February and loved talking movies with him. If I didn't see the last  Batman movie with him, I likely talked over it with him discussing the redemptive qualities--but I will talk more about him in my "In Memory" category. Honestly all I remember thinking was that this movie was a setup for another movie.

Lights, Camera, Action: So it's taken me a while to get to this one because it's a "heavier" movie and I really have to be in the mood to watch an action flick especially with how long it is. It's a rainy (Tuesday) afternoon and I've got myself all geared up to watch it.

After thoughts: So I think upon second watching, several new things stick out to me... This movie is in a strange way about finishing well. No matter what choices the characters have made in the past,  they can get something done and pass on a legacy to others. Bruce Wayne () accepts that he must face his early demons (again), accept the death of his love, and show himself as the hero again. I know I eluded to being distracted by the "set up" fo to star in his own flick, but I think this time I just saw the passing the torch aspect of it all. Bruce is finally able to accept Alfred's () advice to move on with his life. Com. Gordon () deals with the choices he made and call his fellow officers to duty. Catwoman () choses to stand for something noble and stand by her man (I couldn't resist). I really enjoyed the acting in the movie (yes, despite the scruffy Batman voice) and thought it was great casting. Anne is probably my favorite Catwoman so far (no offense to Michelle or Halle). If they do ever make another one with JGL as Robin, Nightwing, or whoever, I'd watch it.

Verdict: um... can I put this off until I watch the other two again? I mean if I keep one, does that mean I have to keep them all? Thing is, I like this movie, but I'm just not sure how often I am going to watch it.

**Seven degrees: Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables (2014).

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: Mama Mia!

Mamma Mia!

When did I get it: I got it as a Christmas present this past year from my Maryland family along with a lot of fun stuff -- favorite candy, coffee mug, & gift card to Panera.

What memories/emotions does it elicit: OK so the first time I saw this movie was with my best friend for my birthday. There was a mexican restaurant across from the theater and we had dinner & margaritas. In the movie theater with us were about 4 other women -- ABBA's biggest fans. They sang every word to every song, it was amazing. The few times I've seen this since has paled in comparison. I did get to watch my Dad's reaction to watching this once at my grandparent's house -- classic.

Lights, Camera, Action: Well, I've been work-less for four days and enjoying doing whatever I want. I also decided in order to save some $$, stay focused on this project, and keep me from watching TV all day, I stopped my Hulu and Netflix accounts. So I've spent the last three days binge-watching my favorite shows. So ready to get back on track with this fun one... again, there is a strong possibility that I will be singing...

After thoughts: Pure entertainment. You can't take this too seriously. There are so many hilarious moments --  singing SOS (or singing in general),  /  /  as Donna & the Dynamos, & all the awesome Greek women joining in for Dancing Queen. Heck, I even had to get up and dance for that. I inevitably get several of the songs stuck in my head but the one that usually sticks worse is Take a Chance on Me... mostly because I love how Bill (played by  ) finally gets worn down by it in the end (too bad stuff like that doesn't work in real life -- not that I've tried...). Though it still confuses me why the Sophie & Sky can't see with world if they're married, it's still a fun movie to lift the spirits and entertain.

Verdict: Keeper

**Seven degrees update:  plays one of Sophie's dads and was previously seen in King's Speech -- I heart him so much, even if his character broke my heart & "came out" in this movie. :) Also, another musical appearance by . Also Julie Waters as Molly Weasley in HP & Deathly Hallows Pt 1-- goodness, so many connections**

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

When did I get this: Same time as Les Miserables -- Black Friday, Target, after 9am...

What memories/emotions does it elicit: Four years ago, after completing my Master's in Marriage & Family Therapy, I was desperate to read ANYTHING other than a text book. I had many friends who had read the books (and later when I watch the other films, I'll talk about who introduced me to them) and had been promised they were excellent. So starting in May of 2010 and on through August, I read all 7 books. So by the time this film hit the theaters, it was the first time I saw the movie after I read the books -- which was REALLY exciting for me. Of course, there's the inevitable let-down of such a feat as you hit those "why didn't/did they do that?!?" moments. And this portion of the story has a lot of slow bits. I have one good friend who calls it the worlds' longest camping trip. Really enjoy these movies and one bonus is that there is a lot more they can do with a book when they split it up. So let's get to it. 

Lights, Camera, Action: I must confess that I was feeling rather ambitious Sunday evening and thought I had it in me to watch one more movie for the weekend. I picked this one because it's a "no brainer" for me as I love these films... well, a fell asleep during the more dragging bit I mentioned above... No reflection on the film, just one of the pit-falls of being over ambitious about movie watching. I had some hesitation to get back to it today (Monday) but as I've wound down from my first official work-less day, I think I will take a crack at finishing the last bit of the movie (probably the most exciting parts).

After Thoughts: (It's Tuesday--didn't fall asleep, just too sleepy to finish blogging) OK so I over-emphasized the slow bits before but this film has some of the most crazy scenes starting with the beginning with Harry leaving 4 Privet Drive for the last time (which the movie glosses over the significance); Dombledore's gifts; adventures with polly juice potion in the ministry of magic; Ron battling the Horcrux (with scandalous visions); hearing the Deathly Hallows story; and DOBBY TO THE RESCUE! I really love the whole Ron-redemptive portion of this movie. I have a bit of soft spot for Ron, being a bit of a Hermione myself. This movie ends quite bleakly and glad that there's hope in the second half (which I do own, btw, so you that to look forward to--along with the others in "You're a Wizard, Harry" category). 

Verdict: Keeper

(Seven degrees: Another  appearance... I didn't realize I owned so many movies with her in them... interesting.)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: Les Miserables (2012)

Changed up the background to make it more movie-theater-esk with the red curtain and created a new page to keep up with my progress... OK, next movie!!

Les Miserables (2014) 

When did I get it: Day after Thanksgiving at my annual see-what's-left-at-Target-after-9am-trip (I don't do the early morning deal)

What memories/emotions does it elicit: The musical has been my favorite for years -- first introduced to musical in high school (partially thanks to an episode of Dawn's Creek where Joey sang On My Own and the other part because I hung out with a lot of musical folks). I have memories of deut-ing Little Drop of Rain with one my high school buddies during a late night ride around town during a college spring break; introducing college students in South Africa to the redemptive story during the Summer of 2003; seeing the musical live for the first time with my best friend at the Fox; eagerly anticipating the debut of this movie with many of my friends in Augusta; and most recently got to see one of my friends perform a superb version of Madame Thenardier at the Augusta Player's performance in the Fall. This movie elicits emotions of heartache, hope, and inspiration...

Lights, Camera, Action: It's a rainy Sunday afternoon here in Augusta. I usually spend my Sunday afternoons doing laundry, grocery shopping, and dreading going back to work -- NOT THIS SUNDAY! I have just finished a leisurely picnic lunch of Greek food and chatting with friends. Now, I've made my list of things I should get done by next Sunday and am looking forward to enjoying this movie... and likely singing along.

After thoughts: Did I sing? Of course. Did I get chill bumps during Bring Him Home? Yep. Did I get misty during the Finale? Uh huh. There are so many reasons I love this version. The actors sang their parts as it was being filmed instead of pre-recording their voices in studio--gives so much emotional depth to the songs. Since I also own the non-musical Liam Neeson version (circa 1998), I'll save some of my deeper thoughts of the story for that post. But I will say that the music aids in emphasizing the responses to two men in the story who are confronted with grace & mercy: Jean Valjean when the Bishop gives him the silver and Javert when Jean Valjean spares his life behind the barricade. One choses to embrace it and the other choses to escape it. I love the casting for this movie -- yes, even , God love 'em. I mean  actually made me like Cosette. Yes, that's right, I'm team Eponine--played boldly b. (Did you miss the whole On My Own and Little Drop of Rain references earlier?)  did beautifully as Fantine (snagged herself a couple of awards for it too).  as love-struck Maris and  as revolutionary Enjolras were amazing.  and Helena Bonham Carter played the scene-stealing Thenardiers to a tee. And Mr.  was INCREDIBLE as the lead Jean Valjean (why he didn't win more awards that just a Golden Globe is beyond me). So, I usually end up wanting to do something great after I watch this movie -- Who wouldn't with final words like this:

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes...
Tomorrow comes! 

Verdict: Keeper - duh!

(Connections to last movie -- Helena Bonham Carter in both playing vastly different characters AND same director Tom Hooper--Might have a fun game of seven degrees of separation starting)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: The King's Speech

First of the "still in plastic wrap" is The King's Speech because sadly it is the one I've owned the longest...

When did I get it: For Christmas two years ago (wow)

What memories/emotions does it elicit: First time I watched was about 3 years ago -- about this time of year when my roommate at the time and I had a bunch of people over one Sunday evening to eat chocolate pie (I have a bizarre memory)... I thoroughly enjoyed. So much so that I asked for it for Christmas later that year, got it and sadly never watched it.

Lights, Camera, Action: I am watching this movie one day after I've made a big change in my life -- left a job that I had been in for almost 4 years. I'm not quite sure what the next for me at this point and could easily be overcome with anxiety and fear. So what better way to deal with that than enjoy this incredibly inspiring movie...

After thoughts: To me, this movie is about the power of relationships. It was in the ability to trust another person and to value the opinion of & confidence in him that King George VI was able to overcome to damage of childhood trauma & "good intentions" of even his own family. I think about the work that I did  the many kids the past 4 years and how much their ability to trust me & the things I was trying to teach them played into how they progressed. The last scene when Lionel is standing in the background while King is relishing in his country's confidence in him and I wonder if he's thinking "this is why I do this; why I put up with all the flack and trials... for this one opportunity... to be a part of someone else's greatness."

Verdict: Of course I'm keeping this. I need to watch it at least once a year.

Back on Track And The Great Movie Go Through

Ok,  I started this blog four years ago... Wow. I've seen a lot of movies since then but I'll spare you the play by play... my purpose for this blog will remain true to the original intentions (see First Blog Post). I will attempt to get back on track with my cinematic blogging...

So I recently left the job I mentioned starting in the last post and since my next job is still in the works, I've devised a project for myself -- Go through all the movies I own, watch them, and decide if I should keep it. I tried to come up with a clever name for this alas, I am a little low on creative juices. Therefore, it shall be called THE GREAT MOVIE GO THROUGH!! I own lot of movies but with the invention of Netflix instant video, I rarely watch any of them. In fact, I think I have at least 5 movies in my collection still in the plastic wrap!! So, I know I have to come up with some criteria but honestly this is probably going go with my gut (it is MY movie collection by the way) when it comes to whether they stay or go. My plan is to blog about my movie experience -- why I bought it in the first place, what memories it elicits, when would I likely watch this movie again, and finally should it stay or should it go...

I took this photo today of all my movies (now to get them off the coffee table before my roommate gets home!!).

So... where to start: THE ONES IN THE PLASTIC WRAP OF COURSE! (Which turns out, exactly 5)
Mama Mia
Dark Knight Rises
Les Miserables (2012)
King's Speech
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Next group will likely be the "um, why DO I own this movie" group... with some all time favorites just to keep me focused :)