Saturday, May 17, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: The King's Speech

First of the "still in plastic wrap" is The King's Speech because sadly it is the one I've owned the longest...

When did I get it: For Christmas two years ago (wow)

What memories/emotions does it elicit: First time I watched was about 3 years ago -- about this time of year when my roommate at the time and I had a bunch of people over one Sunday evening to eat chocolate pie (I have a bizarre memory)... I thoroughly enjoyed. So much so that I asked for it for Christmas later that year, got it and sadly never watched it.

Lights, Camera, Action: I am watching this movie one day after I've made a big change in my life -- left a job that I had been in for almost 4 years. I'm not quite sure what the next for me at this point and could easily be overcome with anxiety and fear. So what better way to deal with that than enjoy this incredibly inspiring movie...

After thoughts: To me, this movie is about the power of relationships. It was in the ability to trust another person and to value the opinion of & confidence in him that King George VI was able to overcome to damage of childhood trauma & "good intentions" of even his own family. I think about the work that I did  the many kids the past 4 years and how much their ability to trust me & the things I was trying to teach them played into how they progressed. The last scene when Lionel is standing in the background while King is relishing in his country's confidence in him and I wonder if he's thinking "this is why I do this; why I put up with all the flack and trials... for this one opportunity... to be a part of someone else's greatness."

Verdict: Of course I'm keeping this. I need to watch it at least once a year.

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