Thursday, May 29, 2014

Boyish-Chick-Flicks: Joe Versus the Volcano

Boyish Chick-Flicks: These are romantic comedies with the main character is a dude :)

Joe Versus the Volcano

How long have I owned it: I bought this the same day as The Dark Knight Rises for $3

Memories/emotions it elicits: I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I especially love showing this movie to people who have never seen it--in fact that is the reason I've already watched it since buying it a month or so ago. I can't really recall the first time I saw it but part of me wants to be really cryptic and not give away too much because you should really enjoy this for yourself. I will give you the IMDB description: "When a hypochondriac learns that he is dying, he accepts an offer to throw himself in a volcano at a tropical island, and along the way there, learns to truly live." I had difficulty identifying the genre but ultimately landed on rom-com with a male lead. This movie is soo quirky and makes fun of itself. It's got over-the-top characters, tounge-in-cheek moments, a dude-make-over lead by the coolest/wisest chauffeur ever (played by ), well placed music, and the first  and  pairing (dang I own all three, could have made it its own category!).

Lights, Camera, Action: So... I've been throwing around the idea of having guest watchers as movies are usually more fun when watching with others. Last night, I made plans to hang out with my teacher-friend Abby to celebrate her end of the school year and she asked me to bring over the next movie I had planned to watch. In typical "me" fashion, I brought over like 10. I asked to her to try to pick out one she has never seen. So after narrowing it down to 4 and doing "eeny-mini-miny-mo" we landed on this one. I was so excited because as mentioned above I love showing this to folks who have never seen it. So we enjoyed our pizza and celebratory beverages while watching this great movie. 

After thoughts: I still love this movie. It's a crazy combination of existential revelation and silliness (kind of pretty much explains me, ha!). I felt a fresh sense of "YEAH" when Joe tells off his boss when he quits (and maybe some envy that I didn't get to leave with such gusto--probably because I believe I have more than just a few months to live). I laughed thinking that this plot wouldn't work now since as soon as someone claimed a diagnosis of "brain cloud" they'd hit up WebMD (You mean you were diagnosed with something called a brain cloud and didn't ask for a second opinion?).

I love watching movies with others for this reason: we picked up on several random references to the Sound of Music (which I wasn't able to confirm yet) that I had never noticed before (One of the characters calls herself a flibbertigibbet and another talks about having confidence in herself).
So we decided that we need to have a sage chauffeur to drive us around, help show us who we are through clothing, and tell us we're going to be ok after saying something like this "...there are certain times in your life when I guess you're not supposed to have anybody, you know? There are certain doors you have to go through alone."
Meg Ryan was awesome (times three) as she uses skills not typically seen in her later rom-com flicks. Tom Hanks oh how I adore him as an actor with all his quirky, awesome mannerisms and charm.
All around great movie I am very pleased I own. 
Abby graciously thanked me for showing her this cult classic (dang, another category this could have fit into) and quoted, "where ever we go, we're taking this luggage with us."

Verdit: KEEPER (of course)

**TGMGT Seven degrees: Ok this one was trick but director/writer  also directed/wrote Doubt staring Merle Streep already seen in Mama Mia**

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