Friday, June 6, 2014

It's-a-Heist: Oceans 11

heist is a robbery from an institution such as a bank or a museum, or any robbery in which there is a large haul of loot.

Oceans 11

How long have I owned it: Long time, no idea. Post undergrad

Memories/emotions it elicits: I so enjoy this movie -- in college when I would watch I would tell my friends it made me want to go knock off a convenience store (cause a casino was waaay out of my league). This is one of those movies you can (and should) watch more than once... and I've even watched it once with the commentary on featuring Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and Andy Garcia -- hilarious! Oh and this movie is the reason I love Claire de Lune not the books/movies about sparkly vampires.

Lights, Camera, Action: I had this movie pulled to watch over the weekend but never got to it. (I watched Monday afternoon and just got to finishing this post.)

After thoughts: This movie is so great. I love so many things about it especially the amazing emseble cast -- do enjoy those, especailly with so many good-looking I mean excellent-acting fellas. There are so many subtle nuiances and wit in this movie that make it so fantastic. There are so many things I love about this movie that it is hard to put down without going on and on (probably why it's taken me all week to finish this post). The scene at the end of the movie by the water fountain is probably one of my favorites of all time featuring Claire de Lune (as I mentioned before).

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Seven Degrees: Carl Reiner is father to Rob Reiner who directed When Harry Met Sally.

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