Friday, June 27, 2014

Witches, Pirates, and Mummies OH MY: The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride

When did I get this movie: I don't remember exactly when I got it but I do remember having a conversation with my brother about it. I was lamenting about my lack of self-control at buying another DVD--he usually is a voice of reason for me-- and he responded by saying he would have been disappointed if I HADN'T got it... it's that good. :) 

What memories/emotions does it elicit: Besides pure joy?!? I do have one funny memory related to this movie. In 11th grade US history class, we had to do a presentation of some sort (no clue what the topic was -- our teacher was an idiot, like for real). So my best friend, another friend, and I decided to adapt the poison cut scene. My best friend played Buttercup (she had never seen the movie--gasp!) and our other classmate played Vizzini (she had the whole scene memorized)... so that means, you guessed it, I played Wesley -- black mask and everything. It was a pretty amazing. I also can't help but snicker at weddings, especially if the pastor/officiator says "marriage" in a profound way. Speaking of wedding references to PB, as one set of my friends' drove away from their wedding the bride's dad shouted "have fun storming the castle." It. Was. AWESOME. 

Lights, Camera, Action: I have been thinking of watching this movie ever since I saw this list Entertainment Weekly posted this week of the 55 movies every kid should see (before they turn 13). So... now I am. :)

After thoughts: Well Grandpa, you were right. This story does have it all: Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles... Another great movie from Rob Reiner (I think I own only two of his which is shocking). By far my favorite scenes involve Inigo and Fezzik from their rhyming (Anyone want a peanut?), to keeping others in line (You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means), providing life advice (People in masks cannot be trusted), providing phylosocial depth (Who Har You?), giving encouragement (you just shook your head... doesn't that make you happy), seeking their purpose (Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die), and showing humility (Don't worry I won't let it go to my head). I also thoroughly enjoy the Miracle Max part (I'm not a witch, I'm your wife). Oh yeah and there's this love story thing too :). I definitely agree with this movie being on the list of movies kids should watch (though I don't agree with all of those listed, but I digress). 

Verdict: Keeper (duh!) 

**TGMGT: Rob Reiner and Billy Crystal connections with this movie and When Harry Met Sally. 

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