Monday, June 16, 2014

It's-A-Heist: Oceans 13

Ok, I was on vacation last week. I contemplated taking my DVD player along but opted to just to enjoy the stay. Back to it and finishing off the Oceans flicks.

Oceans 13

How long have I owned it: Like I said in the 12 post, I believe I bought these while I was in Graduate school (around 2008 or 2009)

What memories/emotions does it elicit: I remember going to see this one in the movie theater with one of my friends who was also a big fan of the series. I remember being nervous because 12 was iffy but glad to have those fears squelched. I enjoyed it IMMENSELY. It was a definite throw back to the format of "11" that I had come to love.

Lights, Camera, Action: Like I said before, I have just come home from vacation and family gatherings over the last week and am eager to get back to my project. Especially since this is only my 10th film and I started this a month ago. :) Got a loooong way to go to finish.

After Thoughts: OK, so my memory served me well. This movie returns to the "stick to the man" format of "11" centering on the crew seeking to avenge one of its own -- against a guy who shook Sinatra's hand and should know better. There is a twist in the format as you get caught up with the team midway as they trying to figure out how to modernize their tactics. I love this as it has been 6 years since the first movie and it shows the creators have a sense of humor about how "old school" the crews' tactics were in the first film. But of course, these fellas are pros and know how to make it work (Tim Gun would be proud -- I think). Knowing the ending helps you pick out twists the plot that first viewing you miss. This film continues the witty banter that keeps me smiling. I especially long the relationship woes discussed by Danny & Rusty and the brotherly "love" between Virgil & Turk -- hey, I am a marriage and family therapist after all. Plus, we all know "the nose plays." Love that this one ends very similarly to the first with the crew enjoying their victory together. This movie just makes me smile... and want to take a trip to Vegas. :)

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Seven Degrees: Same cast as Oceans 11 & 12.**


  1. I am down for a trip to're paying right?

    1. Have you not picked up on the "I'm not working right now" hints? But I do know such a trip would be legendary...
