Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sporty-Chick-Flick: Fever Pitch

How long have I owned it: I think I got this for my birthday in 2007or2008 and I had never seen it before. 

What memories or emotions does it elicit: Well, honestly I've only watched this movie once and wasn't really invested. I like Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore but didn't really feel this movie which explains why I've seen it 

Lights, Camera, Action: So I find myself sitting here on a Wednesday night with an empty Hulu que. So I decided to watch a movie and since it's October lots of sports fans watch a lot of baseball this time of year (I wouldn't know... you, know being a Braves fan). So I watch the first of my baseball themed flicks... 

After thoughts:  Yeah, I just don't really like this movie. Though I like the actors, I don't connect with the characters. I think the businessy-business lady and the sports-obessessed dude just doesn't work for me. I do get the "he's/she's 30 and single; what's wrong with him/her" 'cause some of that's true. But still it just seemed rushed (and the movie doesn't even clock in at two hours so that might be why). Even the ensemble cast didn't do it for me... So, take that to every person who's looked at my movie collection and said "woa, you only like chick flicks" (minus the fact that I am a chick). There are chick flicks that I don't like... and this is one of them. 

Verdict: So long 

**TGMGT Six Degrees of Separation: Drew Barrymore was previously seen in The Wedding Singer

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sporty-Chick-Flick: She's The Man

Ok, so I liberated some of the videos from my storage unit and posted the pic to instagram. I got multiple comments about this movie and I decided to start with this one. So what's a sporty chick flick you ask? I chick flick with a sporty theme. Others in this category include: A League of Their Own; Fever Pitch; and The Cutting Edge.

How long have I owned it: Three years -- I remember finding it on a $5 rack and being so excited that I invited some friends over especially to watch it. 

What memories or emotions does it elicit: So I can't remember the first time I watched but the emotion I have associated with it is PURE JOY! I love quoting this movie (I'll share some of my favorites below) and I watched this DVD for the first time with my friend MP with whom I quoted it a lot. So very fond memories. 

Lights, Camera, Action: As well as being sporty (Soccer to be exact), this movie also has a fun Shakespeare connection as it is based on one my favoirte Bill Shakespeare comedy: Twelfth Knight. 
Viola wants to get a soccer scholarship but when her soccer team gets cut and she's prevented from joining the boys team. What's a girl to do? Pose as her twin brother Sebastian (while he's away for a few weeks) at his new boarding school and get on their soccer team (which conviently plays her old school the first game of the season) but at try outs she is assigned 2nd string status. "Her" roommate is Duke, the school's star striker. Olivia is the girl Duke has been crushing on for years and has never had the nerve to ask out. Viola agrees to help Duke get in good with Olivia if he helps her up her soccer skills to make the 1st string by the big game. Unfornately, Olivia starts falling for her... cause she's pretending to be a boy. Viola luckily has three friends who are helping her with the rouse but unfortunately she up against Sebastian's snotty girlfriend and Malcolm a guy who might be stocking Olivia. Anyway, you can image the mad-cap craziness that ensues. 

After thoughts:  First and foremost this movie makes me kinda sad that Amanda Bynes has lost her marbles cause that kid was FUN-NY! I used to watch her on All That on Nicholean with my lil bro back in the day (Look up Ask Ashley -- you will thank me). She's hilarious -- I hope she gets whatever's going on with her figured out (Ok, Ok, I will stop being a therapist for a second). Ok, so I also love looking at Channing Tatum, I mean what? So during this viewing I was enjoying some the pop cultural aspects of this being filmed 8 years ago -- everybody has these silver flip phones and makes references to emailing to make plans (versus texting or social media-ing). I like this movie because it doesn't take itself too seriously and ends well. My only pet peeve is that she plays soccer without tying her hair up... 
As promised, a few of my favorite quotes in this movie are: 

I am dude. I am a hunkie dude. I am a badass hunkie dude. 
Bros, brothers, bretheren? 
Do you like cheese? Why yes I do, my favorite's gouda. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees of Separation: Amanda Bynes was in What A Girl Wants with Colin Firth who was previously seen in King's Speech.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Boyish-Chick-Flick: Dan in Real Life

Dan in Real Life

How long have I owned it: I got it around 2008-2009 ish? I don't really know when.

What emotions/memories does it elicit: I just love this movie. I mean, I know I say that a lot. I remember this being the first straight-role movie I saw Steve Carrell was in and was really looking forward to it. I really enjoy showing this movie to folks for the first time as well. I also own the sound track to this movie which was primarily done by Sondre Lerche -- I learned from watching the special features that he spent time on set with the cast while he was composing the music. I definitely remember the movie being enhanced by the music. 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 8/16/14) So my month-long roommate wanted to have a movie night and I was down for that -- anything to avoid packing. Unfortunately, I pulled my back out -- so I spent the movie trying to keep from moving :). But this movie was a great distraction to both packing and pain. The movie focuses on Dan who is a widowed father of three girls (2 of which are teenagers). He is the author of an advice column for parents and families. The movie takes place as he and the girls travel to his parents' vacation home as they "pack it up for the winter" (being a Southern, I don't really understand this concept). Dan has two married sisters, one married brother, and one single brother. He has a ton of nieces and nephews. So yeah, it is big ole family fun time. His family is all worried that Dan is not getting himself out there and trying to find love. He escapes the family and finds himself in a book store meeting a beautiful woman with whom he instantly connects. They part ways and in lovely-movie-awkwardness, she is the new girl friend of his single brother. Dan spends the movie dealing with the fact that the one woman he's had any connection with since his wife it completely unavailable... and doesn't always handle himself appropriately. His lack of decorum kind of spills over into how he hands his oldest daughter's desire for freedom, his middle daughters "love" life, and his youngest daughter becoming more independent.

After Thoughts: I love this movie because it's messy in the midst of being heartfelt. Dan has this amazing family and support system that gets in the way and throws him into a place where he can let go and ask the woman he cares for to let his love open the door to her heart. He comes to a crisis of everything he has advised to do and what his heart is telling him. He concludes this journey with this realization: "Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should tell them to plan to be surprised."My roommate enjoyed the movie and made the comment "he's being all weird." Love makes us act weird -- and that's a good thing sometimes. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Steve Carell was in Get Smart with Anne Hathaway; Anne was in previously watched Les Miserables (2012).**

Textbook-Chick-Flick: Two Weeks Notice

Two Weeks Notice

How long have I owned it: Again, it is trapped in storage so I can't check to see if it has the sticker from college but I know that I've owned it for a while.

What emotions/memories does it elicit: I am pretty sure I went to see this movie at the theaters during college with friends. I only saw a couple movies in that tiny theater the town I went to undergrad but I am pretty sure this was one. I loved it from the beginning. It's one of those quotable movies that I often and sometimes feel like I'm living... I am very much a Lucy Kelson. I've more times than I can count been in a job that felt all consuming (the most recent one definitely comes to mind). Also I think I have mentioned before watching movies with the commentary on and this is one of my favorites because it has Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant where Sandy points out all the women that Hugh hit on --CLASSIC!

Here's the textbook breakdown:
Meet Cute: Lucy is a lawyer hell bent on stopping the man from destroying historical building... George is the man -- highly womanizing man -- owner of one of the offending companies in Lucy's eyes. They meet when Lucy confronts him personally about saving her community center and he offers her a job as his lead counsel. Going against all her values and career aspirations, she accepts the job... which consumes her life.
Reflective Friends: Lucy's parents (also activist lawyers) and her best friend Meryl provide supportive humor to her disastrous job. George has his wise cracking chauffeur Tony and his brother Howard, CEO of Wade Industries.
Exit and Chase: After George abuses Lucy's professional opinion to help him pick out clothes, his personal stationary, pick out a mattress, and find a woman who doesn't know he's rich, she finally puts in her two week's notice... to which he prevents her from finding another job until the job to promise to save the community center is complete. So after humorous interviews for her replacement, a pretty young thing replacement (June) is found... the exit occurs when the project takes a turn for the worse and the company can't save the community center as promised. Lucy unfortunately finds out from June.. and then finds June and George in the middle of a game of strip chess. Lucy leaves the company feeling rejected and betrayed... and yes, broken-hearted.
Speech and Kiss: Well George has to make a speech concerning tearing down the community center without the help of Lucy... so he goes to Legal Aide where she now works to read the speech to her... Where he explains that they will NOT be tearing down the community center for this reason: "mainly because this person, despite being unusually stubborn and unwilling to compromise and a very poor dresser, is... she's rather like the building she loves so much. A little rough around the edges but, when you look closely, absolutely beautiful. And the only one of her kind. And even though I've said cruel things and driven her away, she's become the voice in my head. And I can't seem to drown her out. And I don't want to drown her out. So, we are going to keep the community center. Because I gave my word to her and because we gave our word to the community. And I didn't sleep with June. That's not in the speech, that's just me letting you know that important fact. What do you think?" Lucy initially lets him go but of course goes after him. They confess that they love each other and kiss... a pretty dang good one too :) 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 8/11/14) So, I'm watched this movie the first day of packing... oddly enough I usually watch Sandy movies while I pack/unpack. And since I've seen this movie like a hundred times, I can easily watch it while demolishing my room -- that's how I pack, I pull everything out and then live in complete disaster area until I finish packing.

After thoughts: As I have eluded in this post and others, I am "between jobs" (fancy way of saying unemployed) after leaving a job that consumed my life. I sometimes wish it could have been as comical as this one and ended with me being mutually in love with a millionaire but alas, I live in the real world not a rom-com. I just love how witty this movie is. Reading my breakdown above does not do it justice. They really do grow personally because each in their lives. She helps him avoid hooking up with gold diggers and he helps her get over her latest breakup and exposes her lack of falling in love.  He learns to keep his promises and she learns to let a man into her heart.

Verdict: Keeper!

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Second Sandy movie -- first was While You Were Sleeping.**

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Textbook-Chick-Flick: Return To Me

Return to Me

How long have I owned it: I can tell you exactly how long and when I got this. After undergrad, I was stuck at my parents house with no job (oh dear, really? Come on. Fine. Whatever.) One day as I was preparing my delicious breakfast (probably at 11am if I'm real honest) of Eggo Waffles, I noticed that if I saved the tops of 6 boxes, I could get a free movie in the mail... So I became obsessed with eating waffles. I finally had a goal. I could accomplish something (woa, again, scarily similar to now).

What memories or emotions does it ellicit: Well, I remember loving it before I owned it. I am quite certain that one of my friends from college owned and we watched it a lot. I have fond memories of this movie especially the since of joy I had when I finally ate enough waffles to get it. It came in a paper sleeve that it still resides in today.

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/3or4/14) Well, by this time my little cousins and I made it to my grandma's house. My other "little" cousin and her fiance (gasp!) came to visit too. We all snugged into the living room to watch a classic "Sherri" movie. I am pretty sure none of them had seen it before. My engaged cousin proudly told me that she has been having her fiance watch all the classics with her - When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seatle to name a few. Made my heart happy! :)

Here's the text-book-ness of this one:
Meet Cute: Well Boy (Bob) loses wife in car accident. Girl (Grace) gets Bob's-dead-wife's-heart. They meet when he goes on his first blind date and she's the waitress. They instantly believe that have met before. He "accidentally" leaves his cell phone and comes back the next night to retrieve it.
Reflective Friends: OK, so next to "While You Were Sleeping" this is my favorite ensemble cast movie. You got Bob's Vet friend Charlie who worked with his wife. You got Grace's best friend Megan and husband Joe and their like 10 rowdy kids. You got four meddling old widowers: Grace's grandpa Marty and great uncle Angelo (who own/run an Irish-Italian restaurant); Megan's dad Emmet; and another guy Wally who's go a new caddy. Oh yeah and Sophie who's works on the restaurant too and is sweet on Wally. The conversations involving these folks makes the movie. 
Exit and Chase:  As you could already guess, Grace figures out that she has Bob's dead wife's heart ("What was God thinking?"). She tells him and then runs away to Italy.
Speech and Kiss: So I think the best speech in this movie was between Marty and Bob. Marty tells him "I know that what's happened has been overwhelming. And I know it's going to take a while to sort it all out. But while you're sorting, I want you to remember that all the times I prayed that Gracie would have a second chance at life, I always knew that if God blessed us, the heart she got would have to be from a very special person, if it were going to be at home in Grace. When she met you, her heart beat truly for the first time. Perhaps it was meant to be with you always." So Bob goes all the way to Italy they kiss. (I'm pretty sure all they say to each other is "I came all the way to Italy" or something. Marty speech was better). 

After thoughts: I love sharing my favorite movies with others. My cousins and future cousin loved it. I of course loved it. It's one of those rare-watch-anytime movies. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Minnie Driver was in "Good Will Hunting" with Matt Damon. Matt Damon was in the Oceans films. -- 2nd use of "Good Will Hunting."**

Textbook-Chick-Flick: While You Were Sleeping

Where has the month of July gone? And how have I gone over three weeks without watching  a movie?!?

While You Were Sleeping

When did I get this: I ordered this online (back when that wasn't really a big thing) in college -- I remember this because when I first got it in the mail, the disk was broken, so I had to get another one sent (first world problems!) 

Memories/emotions: I've watched this movie so many times and remember distinctly making people watch ti with my in college. I have one memory of showing it to my friend from Sovokia and I can still hear her quoting Joe Jr in her beautiful, thick accent. 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/21/14) Well, I've been visiting family, getting things done, and didn't have internet for a while. So this evening I just decided "I'm gonna watch a movie!" Grabbed an old faithful. 

Here's the text-book-ness of this one:
Meet Cute: Well, Lucy meets Peter (finally) when she rescues him from being hit by an L train... she meets the family when she is mistaken for Peter's fiance. 
Reflective Friends: One the reasons I love this movie is the ensemble cast. We have Lucy's boss who knows the situation from the beginning, next door neighbor Saul who finds out and agrees to help her, and the parents/grandmother/little sister who are clueless. The banter and wit of these folks makes this movie. Oh and there is also Joe Jr: Lucy's landlord's idiot son who delusionally thinks that he is dating Lucy
Exit and Chase: At Peter and Lucy's wedding, Lucy & Jack object. Lucy proceeds to tell the truth about the whole situation and leaves. 
Speech and Kiss: Jack (accompanied by the fam) came to Lucy's CTA booth to ask her to marry him. They kiss as the family looks on (not awkward at all). 

After thoughts: I love this movie. It's really creative concept -- I don't think there was or has been any movies where someone was mistaken for someone's fiance while in he was in comma and then falls for his brother. I love Sandra Bullock and this is one of my favorites of hers. Have I mentioned how I the ensemble cast of this movie? (I never said Ceasar Romaro was Spanish.) And who doesn't love Bill Pullman (Ok never see Mr. Right, ok?) as the leading man. This movies teachs valuable lessons on how to keep comments to yourself after rescuing a complete stranger, how to look on the brightside after having a um accident as a male (more room in his jockey shorts), and how to communicate to the opposite sex that you're interested-- the lean. This could possibly be one of my all time favorites if I had the ability to do that without my head exploding. 

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Sandra Bullock, Brendan Frazier (Mummy movies), and Don Cheatle (Oceans movies) were all in Crash together. 

Boyish-Chick-Flick: The Wedding Singer

Woa, I know what you're thinking. What is the deal with all this time since my last post? Well, I've had a busy month. I moved by in with my parents -- the joy of every 30-something -- and have been working through my depression getting settled. I am committed to finishing this project (at some point) and will catch up on four films I watched back in late July-August before I liberate my movies from the storage unit and get back to this.

The Wedding Singer

How Long Have I Owned It: Well, I honestly can't remember and because I just moved, it's stuck in a box somewhere :) I am pretty sure I bought this one in college though.

What memories or emotions does it elicit: So I can't remember when I first watched this movie, I just remember that I loved it from the first moment. I mean, how can you go wrong with 80's music infused, Adam Sandler, and Drew Barrymore wonderfulness. I do have to admit that I have soft spot for Adam Sandler that only comes from getting to see Happy Gilmore in the movie theater but I digress. I remember being really excited when I got this movie because the DVD version I have has 80s music video sing-a-longs on it.

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/28/14) So if you remember from my last post, I had my two younger cousins down visiting with me. After a particularly adventurous day, we nestled in to watch a movie at bedtime. Well, after about 15 minutes, both girls were fast asleep. At least I stayed up for the end.

After thoughts: Have I mentioned that I love this movie? I mean it's got 80s clothes, music, and references all over the place. Granted, I am an 80's baby not so much a kid but I can still appreciate the nostalgia this movie brings (If only I owned Can't Hardly Wait). This viewing was no different than any other as I enjoyed every minute of it. I had to stifle my chuckles at some of my favorite senses as to not to wake the girls. And I of course I sighed at the playing of Grow Old With You because that's all we really want in life, someone to grow old with us and take care of us when have too much to drink. :)

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Six Degrees: Drew Barrymore was in "He's Just Not Into You" with Ben Affleck. Ben Affleck was in "Good Will Hunting" with Matt Damon. Matt Damon was in the Oceans movies already viewed. **

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Girl-Power-Chick-Flick: Baby Mama

In the past two weeks, I've been visiting family with my two little cousins from Maryland. We watched several of my movies... so here's the first one.

When did I get this: So I am not exactly sure when but before 2011. It was probably one of my famous ooh-this-is-for-$5 purchases. 

Memories/Emotions: Well, I was in grad school when this movie came out. And I don't know if we actually watched it together but my grad-school bff and I always quoted it -- especially when I couldn't get out of her car with it's automatic locks :). I have very happy memories of these experiences. This movie lands in the girl power category since it was very heavy on the "I don't need a relationship to have a baby" vibe. 

Lights, Camera, Action: (Watched 7/27/14) So prior to watching this movie, I had to make sure that my 12 year old cousin knew "the facts of life" (which she did). The 15 year old picked it out and said "hey Lesley Knobe is in this movie" and neither recognized Tina Fey... woa, I had so much to teach them. We settled in to watch this movie after a full day of going to church, eating lots of food, swimming, and visiting with in-town cousins. 

Afterthoughts: Laughs, laughs, and more laughs. It was fun to watch each of my very different cousins experience this movie. The older loved Amy Poler's character and the younger thought Steve Martin was hillarious. They both cracked up at the birthing classes scenes and mimiced the hillarious accent of the teacher. I sat back and tried to ignore my own biological clock nugging me that six years since this movie came out is pushing me towards the age of Tina Fey's character... but mostly I just laughed along with the girls. I even picked up my old habit of doing the "oh ooooh" sound a lot. :) 

Verdict: Keeper, duh!

TGMGT Six Degrees: Steve Martin was in Parenthood with Kenau Reves; Kenau was in Speed with Sandra Bullock; Sandy was in While You Were Sleeping (last movie reviewed). 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Classics: Adam's Rib

Adam's Rib

When did I get it: I am not really sure but at least four years ago. It was in a four pack with three other Katherine Hepburn flicks (love her!).

What memories/emotions does it ellicit: So, I don't specifically have memories of seeing this movie. I know I've seen it at least once in my life. My dad's parents (who both passed away within the last year) used to watch old movies with us. My most vivid memories were watching musicals with my Grann. I miss them both so much.

Lights, Camera, Action: OK, Sunday afternoon and wanted to watch something low key (that I might possibly fall asleep to but could turn back on after a nap). Need a little strong female influence to help get me motivated to stay strong during this "work-less" time in my life.

After thoughts: So I didn't remember much of this movie so there is a fair chance this was the first time. I really enjoy Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. They have great chemistry in this interesting situation of the film: They play opposing counsel for a case were a woman tries to shoot her cheating husband and her mistress (funny since Katherine was Tracy's long time mistress). I can imagine this was a very progressive movie with the equal rights for women agenda. I think the movie handled it well (with the classic movie use of mild domestic violence of course) and showed that both men and women have their "roles" and can interchanged if needed. I also have Woman of the Year to watch again (which this theme are even stronger). All in all, enjoyable movie. I just love the rich dialogue of classic movies. They don't depend on lighting or mood music or special effects but just personality and words.

Verdict: Keeper (well, at least until I watch the other three films in the pack!)

**TGMGT Seven Six degrees: Oh this is a tough one. (And I needed to use google and IMDB I must confess. And of course - KEVIN BACON. Here it goes: Both Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy were in Guess Who's Coming To Dinner with Sidney Poitier (1). Sidney Poitier and Dianne Wiest appeared in The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn (2). Dianne Wiest and Kevin Bacon appeared in Footloose (3). Kevin Bacon and Tom Hanks appeared in Apollo 13 (4). And Tom Hanks was already seen in TGMGT in Joe Versus the Volcano (5). Whew!** 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Witches, Pirates, and Mummies OH MY: The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride

When did I get this movie: I don't remember exactly when I got it but I do remember having a conversation with my brother about it. I was lamenting about my lack of self-control at buying another DVD--he usually is a voice of reason for me-- and he responded by saying he would have been disappointed if I HADN'T got it... it's that good. :) 

What memories/emotions does it elicit: Besides pure joy?!? I do have one funny memory related to this movie. In 11th grade US history class, we had to do a presentation of some sort (no clue what the topic was -- our teacher was an idiot, like for real). So my best friend, another friend, and I decided to adapt the poison cut scene. My best friend played Buttercup (she had never seen the movie--gasp!) and our other classmate played Vizzini (she had the whole scene memorized)... so that means, you guessed it, I played Wesley -- black mask and everything. It was a pretty amazing. I also can't help but snicker at weddings, especially if the pastor/officiator says "marriage" in a profound way. Speaking of wedding references to PB, as one set of my friends' drove away from their wedding the bride's dad shouted "have fun storming the castle." It. Was. AWESOME. 

Lights, Camera, Action: I have been thinking of watching this movie ever since I saw this list Entertainment Weekly posted this week of the 55 movies every kid should see (before they turn 13). So... now I am. :)

After thoughts: Well Grandpa, you were right. This story does have it all: Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles... Another great movie from Rob Reiner (I think I own only two of his which is shocking). By far my favorite scenes involve Inigo and Fezzik from their rhyming (Anyone want a peanut?), to keeping others in line (You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means), providing life advice (People in masks cannot be trusted), providing phylosocial depth (Who Har You?), giving encouragement (you just shook your head... doesn't that make you happy), seeking their purpose (Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die), and showing humility (Don't worry I won't let it go to my head). I also thoroughly enjoy the Miracle Max part (I'm not a witch, I'm your wife). Oh yeah and there's this love story thing too :). I definitely agree with this movie being on the list of movies kids should watch (though I don't agree with all of those listed, but I digress). 

Verdict: Keeper (duh!) 

**TGMGT: Rob Reiner and Billy Crystal connections with this movie and When Harry Met Sally. 

Witches, Pirates, and Mummies OH MY: The Mummy Returns

Soo, when I went to start my blog post for the movie I was going to watch today (Friday) I realized that I never blogged about watching this -- a week ago. Whoopse.

The Mummy Returns

When did I get it: IN COLLEGE (I know because it has the address label in the front). So that means I got this before The Mummy -- random.

What emotions/memories does it elicit: Other than being the Magic Bag 2, not really many stand out, except that I actually like this sequel better than the original. It was a much more complex story and had a lot more minor characters too (I am sucker for a good ensemble cast).

Lights, Camera, Action: Well, as I mentioned before, I watched this a week ago. I remember it being a hot afternoon and being "tired" from going to a 3 hour training for my PRN job. Plus, the Oceans movies got me in the mood to watch sequels.

After thoughts: This is still my favorite out of the Mummy movies (again, don't own the 3rd because it was crap -- minus adorable Brendan of course). This movie takes place 9 years after the first (even though only shot 3 years later -- love movie magic) and was less distracting on the historical inaccuracy side but still weird that the female characters were "reincarnated" versions of the Mummy's gal and Pharaoh's daughter... Also, the whole having an 8 year old is kind of weird because they just drag him around the world and let him play with possibly cursed ancient artifacts? (OK, I know. My therapist brain is getting in the way). I DO really like this movie. The scavenger hunt part is fun with the son having to build little sand castles so his parents can find him. Plus you get this big bad guy who is his guard (Mr. Eco from LOST! I know, I'm one of "those" people-who-associate-actors-with-characters-they-play). I also enjoy the colorful friend with the dirigible who feared being shot, again. Of course, I have to mention the Scorpion King -- wow 2001, that's the best you can do? I do like that this movie gives meaning to Rick's life and fulfills why he's such as badass (which makes making a third film  insane). Not to shabby for after thoughts, having watched the movie a week ago.

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT: Half the cast was in The Mummy, so...**

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Witches, Pirates, and Mummies OH MY: The Mummy

The Mummy

How long have I owned it: Um since finishing undergrad but I think it was very soon after (and according to the sticker on the front, I got it for $2.99 -- boom) 

Memories/Emotions: THE MAGIC BAG!! Ok, so the first time (I remember) watching this movie was with a bunch of my friends who were over at my house my senior year of high school. We made fun of the movie RELENTLESSLY and we're especially fascinated by the big bag-o-guns that kept "magically" appearing wherever it was needed. It survived burning boats, dips in the Nile, Mummy-induced dust storms, and countless other adventures. We often made reference back to this movie but only as "the Magic Bag." I even got a graduation present from one of my friends in a brown paper sack with "the Magic Bag" written on it.

Lights, Camera, Action: I keep having these lofty ideas to "WATCH A MOVIE EVERYDAY" but trying to carve out 2 hours to watch movies in my *cough, cough* busy-work-less schedule has been slightly challenging. I woke up earlier that I usually do today and thought, "why not go ahead a watch a movie with breakfast!" So I did. I had already picked out this movie earlier in the week as my last three movies got me in a sequels kind of mood. I will go ahead and dispel your worries as I do not own the third Mummy movie as it was sad and horrible -- but mostly because they changed actresses on me; I don't like that. I will also warn you that Brendan Fraser is one my favorite actors... to look at. He's adorable -- felt this way since Encino Man :) 

After thoughts: Man, I forgot how terribly wonderful this movie is. I was slightly distracted by some of the historical references which I thought might be questionable -- like the whole 10 plagues being a part  of Egypt's history and the Mummy knowing about Hebrew slaves -- made me want to brush up on my Ancient history (or at least check in with my friend Google -- about 44,900 results for "historical inaccuracy in the mummy"). That aside, nothing but good ole fashion fun. I mean what's not to like about a ridiculously clumsy yet beautiful lady being whisked around the dessert hunting treasure by a resourceful, handsome man... oh and there's a Mummy in there, too. Ha! But seriously, I do enjoy this movie though it was a lot longer than I remember it being.

Verdict: Keeper 

**TGMGT Seven Degrees: OK, so I don't remember if I decided I could ONLY use movies I own but I think that is too complicated (and may deter me from watching a movie until I could pick it). So this movie connects to the Oceans (11, 12, &13) movies: Don Cheadle and Brendan Fraser starred in Crash together. (Gotta love Mega-Ensemble-Cast-Movies). 

Monday, June 16, 2014

It's-A-Heist: Oceans 13

Ok, I was on vacation last week. I contemplated taking my DVD player along but opted to just to enjoy the stay. Back to it and finishing off the Oceans flicks.

Oceans 13

How long have I owned it: Like I said in the 12 post, I believe I bought these while I was in Graduate school (around 2008 or 2009)

What memories/emotions does it elicit: I remember going to see this one in the movie theater with one of my friends who was also a big fan of the series. I remember being nervous because 12 was iffy but glad to have those fears squelched. I enjoyed it IMMENSELY. It was a definite throw back to the format of "11" that I had come to love.

Lights, Camera, Action: Like I said before, I have just come home from vacation and family gatherings over the last week and am eager to get back to my project. Especially since this is only my 10th film and I started this a month ago. :) Got a loooong way to go to finish.

After Thoughts: OK, so my memory served me well. This movie returns to the "stick to the man" format of "11" centering on the crew seeking to avenge one of its own -- against a guy who shook Sinatra's hand and should know better. There is a twist in the format as you get caught up with the team midway as they trying to figure out how to modernize their tactics. I love this as it has been 6 years since the first movie and it shows the creators have a sense of humor about how "old school" the crews' tactics were in the first film. But of course, these fellas are pros and know how to make it work (Tim Gun would be proud -- I think). Knowing the ending helps you pick out twists the plot that first viewing you miss. This film continues the witty banter that keeps me smiling. I especially long the relationship woes discussed by Danny & Rusty and the brotherly "love" between Virgil & Turk -- hey, I am a marriage and family therapist after all. Plus, we all know "the nose plays." Love that this one ends very similarly to the first with the crew enjoying their victory together. This movie just makes me smile... and want to take a trip to Vegas. :)

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Seven Degrees: Same cast as Oceans 11 & 12.**

Friday, June 6, 2014

It's-a-Heist: Oceans 12

Oceans 12

How long have I owned it: A while (I think I got 12 and 13 at the same time) probably got it during Grad school

Memories/emotions it elicits: I don't remember the first time I watched this but I remember being disappointed and concerned about future Oceans movies. I still love the characters and will probably have more comments after watching it again.

Lights, Camera, Action: I have plans to finish the Oceans flicks this weekend (possibly tonight, Friday) as I watched the first one the beginning of the week and in the mood for thinky-fun movies.

After thoughts: I think want makes this sequel NOT work is that it has flow issues. It seems disconnected from the essence of the first movie and there are a lot of plot twists with the multiple jobs and competition with the Night Fox. Also, visually this movie it dark, like literally lots of scenes in dimly lit rooms that don't really make sense to me. Ok, so the reasons I still enjoy this movie include continued wittiness of the dialog, the funny scene with Matsui's "lost in translation," and of course the "looky-loo with a bundle of joy."

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Seven degrees: Yeah, pretty much repeat cast from Oceans 11.

It's-a-Heist: Oceans 11

heist is a robbery from an institution such as a bank or a museum, or any robbery in which there is a large haul of loot.

Oceans 11

How long have I owned it: Long time, no idea. Post undergrad

Memories/emotions it elicits: I so enjoy this movie -- in college when I would watch I would tell my friends it made me want to go knock off a convenience store (cause a casino was waaay out of my league). This is one of those movies you can (and should) watch more than once... and I've even watched it once with the commentary on featuring Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and Andy Garcia -- hilarious! Oh and this movie is the reason I love Claire de Lune not the books/movies about sparkly vampires.

Lights, Camera, Action: I had this movie pulled to watch over the weekend but never got to it. (I watched Monday afternoon and just got to finishing this post.)

After thoughts: This movie is so great. I love so many things about it especially the amazing emseble cast -- do enjoy those, especailly with so many good-looking I mean excellent-acting fellas. There are so many subtle nuiances and wit in this movie that make it so fantastic. There are so many things I love about this movie that it is hard to put down without going on and on (probably why it's taken me all week to finish this post). The scene at the end of the movie by the water fountain is probably one of my favorites of all time featuring Claire de Lune (as I mentioned before).

Verdict: Keeper

**TGMGT Seven Degrees: Carl Reiner is father to Rob Reiner who directed When Harry Met Sally.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Text-Book-Chick-Flicks: When Harry Met Sally

Text Book Chick-Flicks: I found this pretty great blog post (found here) about the components of a romantic comedy (rom-coms) including: the Meet Cute; Reflective Friends; the Exit and Chase; and the Speech and Kiss. So for my first offering I pick one of my all time favorites...

When Harry Met Sally

When did I get this: I have nooo idea. I got it after undergrad at least (I put a sticker with my campus address in all the movies I had during college).

Memories/emotions: I've watched this movie so many times I can't think of any vivid memories. I do remember the last time I watched it was like a year ago because I texted a picture of me watching it to my "little" cousin Misty who credits me for introducing her to this flick. She's 10 years younger than me and considering some of the "adult" material in the movie, that makes me laugh.

Lights, Camera, Action: It's Friday night (or was when I watched this/started this entree) and I'm stayin in to watch movies! My last flick got me in a  kind of mood... so I came to this old favorite. Here's the text-book-ness of this one:
Meet Cute: Harry () catches a ride with Sally from Chicago to New York; then they meet again on an airplane; and then they meet again in a book store
Reflective Friends: Jess () for Harry and Maire () for Sally -- and funny twist, they get together before H and S.
Exit and Chase: Confrontation at Jess and Maire's wedding over the incident when their friendship crossed the "benefits" line
Speech and Kiss: New Year's Eve and a good one by Harry "I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your fhlife with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." Then they kiss after Sally tells him she hates him :)

After thoughts: Dang, I do enjoy this movie. I mean how could you go wrong with  writing and  directing. I consider it the quintessential movie about the dynamics of male and female relationship as it attempts to answer the age-old question: Can men and women be friends? Personally, I think the answer from the movie is yes but that sex and emotional dependence complicate male-female friendships. Without getting to technical on y'all (I am a licensed marriage and family therapist after all), I think emotional connection complicate things and yes, I am "one of those people" who believes that sex is all about emotional connection. But I think one thing this movie handles well is that emotional connections mean something and you can't take them for granted. OK, off my soapbox. This movie is so hilarious -- from the days of the week underwear to being high maintenance when you think you are low maintenance to "I'll have what she's having." I must admit I had a whole new appreciation when Sally has her emotional breakdown as I'll be the same age as her in less than two months and I get it. Well, all in all a great movie experience. 

Verdit: Keeper

**Seven degrees: easier than last time -- Meg Ryan in both this movie and Joe versus the Volcano (and her ex-boyfriend in this movie was named Joe as well...interesting)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Boyish-Chick-Flicks: Joe Versus the Volcano

Boyish Chick-Flicks: These are romantic comedies with the main character is a dude :)

Joe Versus the Volcano

How long have I owned it: I bought this the same day as The Dark Knight Rises for $3

Memories/emotions it elicits: I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I especially love showing this movie to people who have never seen it--in fact that is the reason I've already watched it since buying it a month or so ago. I can't really recall the first time I saw it but part of me wants to be really cryptic and not give away too much because you should really enjoy this for yourself. I will give you the IMDB description: "When a hypochondriac learns that he is dying, he accepts an offer to throw himself in a volcano at a tropical island, and along the way there, learns to truly live." I had difficulty identifying the genre but ultimately landed on rom-com with a male lead. This movie is soo quirky and makes fun of itself. It's got over-the-top characters, tounge-in-cheek moments, a dude-make-over lead by the coolest/wisest chauffeur ever (played by ), well placed music, and the first  and  pairing (dang I own all three, could have made it its own category!).

Lights, Camera, Action: So... I've been throwing around the idea of having guest watchers as movies are usually more fun when watching with others. Last night, I made plans to hang out with my teacher-friend Abby to celebrate her end of the school year and she asked me to bring over the next movie I had planned to watch. In typical "me" fashion, I brought over like 10. I asked to her to try to pick out one she has never seen. So after narrowing it down to 4 and doing "eeny-mini-miny-mo" we landed on this one. I was so excited because as mentioned above I love showing this to folks who have never seen it. So we enjoyed our pizza and celebratory beverages while watching this great movie. 

After thoughts: I still love this movie. It's a crazy combination of existential revelation and silliness (kind of pretty much explains me, ha!). I felt a fresh sense of "YEAH" when Joe tells off his boss when he quits (and maybe some envy that I didn't get to leave with such gusto--probably because I believe I have more than just a few months to live). I laughed thinking that this plot wouldn't work now since as soon as someone claimed a diagnosis of "brain cloud" they'd hit up WebMD (You mean you were diagnosed with something called a brain cloud and didn't ask for a second opinion?).

I love watching movies with others for this reason: we picked up on several random references to the Sound of Music (which I wasn't able to confirm yet) that I had never noticed before (One of the characters calls herself a flibbertigibbet and another talks about having confidence in herself).
So we decided that we need to have a sage chauffeur to drive us around, help show us who we are through clothing, and tell us we're going to be ok after saying something like this "...there are certain times in your life when I guess you're not supposed to have anybody, you know? There are certain doors you have to go through alone."
Meg Ryan was awesome (times three) as she uses skills not typically seen in her later rom-com flicks. Tom Hanks oh how I adore him as an actor with all his quirky, awesome mannerisms and charm.
All around great movie I am very pleased I own. 
Abby graciously thanked me for showing her this cult classic (dang, another category this could have fit into) and quoted, "where ever we go, we're taking this luggage with us."

Verdit: KEEPER (of course)

**TGMGT Seven degrees: Ok this one was trick but director/writer  also directed/wrote Doubt staring Merle Streep already seen in Mama Mia**

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: The Dark Knight Rises

FINALLY DONE WITH ONE CATEGORY! Ok, so I've decided I can be a little more sporadic in future viewing so I'll be tackling movies from different categories... but on to my final "Still in the Plastic" flick

The Dark Knight Rises

How long I have owned it: I bought it for $5 (common occurrence for me) about a month or so ago.

What memories or emotions does it elicit: So, probably one of the reasons its taken me so long to watch this is because I don't really have any strong memories of seeing it (only once). In fact I can't even remember if it was in the theater or at home, which is strange for me. The reason for this is likely that this movie came out the summer of 2012. I lost a really good friend that February and loved talking movies with him. If I didn't see the last  Batman movie with him, I likely talked over it with him discussing the redemptive qualities--but I will talk more about him in my "In Memory" category. Honestly all I remember thinking was that this movie was a setup for another movie.

Lights, Camera, Action: So it's taken me a while to get to this one because it's a "heavier" movie and I really have to be in the mood to watch an action flick especially with how long it is. It's a rainy (Tuesday) afternoon and I've got myself all geared up to watch it.

After thoughts: So I think upon second watching, several new things stick out to me... This movie is in a strange way about finishing well. No matter what choices the characters have made in the past,  they can get something done and pass on a legacy to others. Bruce Wayne () accepts that he must face his early demons (again), accept the death of his love, and show himself as the hero again. I know I eluded to being distracted by the "set up" fo to star in his own flick, but I think this time I just saw the passing the torch aspect of it all. Bruce is finally able to accept Alfred's () advice to move on with his life. Com. Gordon () deals with the choices he made and call his fellow officers to duty. Catwoman () choses to stand for something noble and stand by her man (I couldn't resist). I really enjoyed the acting in the movie (yes, despite the scruffy Batman voice) and thought it was great casting. Anne is probably my favorite Catwoman so far (no offense to Michelle or Halle). If they do ever make another one with JGL as Robin, Nightwing, or whoever, I'd watch it.

Verdict: um... can I put this off until I watch the other two again? I mean if I keep one, does that mean I have to keep them all? Thing is, I like this movie, but I'm just not sure how often I am going to watch it.

**Seven degrees: Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables (2014).

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: Mama Mia!

Mamma Mia!

When did I get it: I got it as a Christmas present this past year from my Maryland family along with a lot of fun stuff -- favorite candy, coffee mug, & gift card to Panera.

What memories/emotions does it elicit: OK so the first time I saw this movie was with my best friend for my birthday. There was a mexican restaurant across from the theater and we had dinner & margaritas. In the movie theater with us were about 4 other women -- ABBA's biggest fans. They sang every word to every song, it was amazing. The few times I've seen this since has paled in comparison. I did get to watch my Dad's reaction to watching this once at my grandparent's house -- classic.

Lights, Camera, Action: Well, I've been work-less for four days and enjoying doing whatever I want. I also decided in order to save some $$, stay focused on this project, and keep me from watching TV all day, I stopped my Hulu and Netflix accounts. So I've spent the last three days binge-watching my favorite shows. So ready to get back on track with this fun one... again, there is a strong possibility that I will be singing...

After thoughts: Pure entertainment. You can't take this too seriously. There are so many hilarious moments --  singing SOS (or singing in general),  /  /  as Donna & the Dynamos, & all the awesome Greek women joining in for Dancing Queen. Heck, I even had to get up and dance for that. I inevitably get several of the songs stuck in my head but the one that usually sticks worse is Take a Chance on Me... mostly because I love how Bill (played by  ) finally gets worn down by it in the end (too bad stuff like that doesn't work in real life -- not that I've tried...). Though it still confuses me why the Sophie & Sky can't see with world if they're married, it's still a fun movie to lift the spirits and entertain.

Verdict: Keeper

**Seven degrees update:  plays one of Sophie's dads and was previously seen in King's Speech -- I heart him so much, even if his character broke my heart & "came out" in this movie. :) Also, another musical appearance by . Also Julie Waters as Molly Weasley in HP & Deathly Hallows Pt 1-- goodness, so many connections**

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

When did I get this: Same time as Les Miserables -- Black Friday, Target, after 9am...

What memories/emotions does it elicit: Four years ago, after completing my Master's in Marriage & Family Therapy, I was desperate to read ANYTHING other than a text book. I had many friends who had read the books (and later when I watch the other films, I'll talk about who introduced me to them) and had been promised they were excellent. So starting in May of 2010 and on through August, I read all 7 books. So by the time this film hit the theaters, it was the first time I saw the movie after I read the books -- which was REALLY exciting for me. Of course, there's the inevitable let-down of such a feat as you hit those "why didn't/did they do that?!?" moments. And this portion of the story has a lot of slow bits. I have one good friend who calls it the worlds' longest camping trip. Really enjoy these movies and one bonus is that there is a lot more they can do with a book when they split it up. So let's get to it. 

Lights, Camera, Action: I must confess that I was feeling rather ambitious Sunday evening and thought I had it in me to watch one more movie for the weekend. I picked this one because it's a "no brainer" for me as I love these films... well, a fell asleep during the more dragging bit I mentioned above... No reflection on the film, just one of the pit-falls of being over ambitious about movie watching. I had some hesitation to get back to it today (Monday) but as I've wound down from my first official work-less day, I think I will take a crack at finishing the last bit of the movie (probably the most exciting parts).

After Thoughts: (It's Tuesday--didn't fall asleep, just too sleepy to finish blogging) OK so I over-emphasized the slow bits before but this film has some of the most crazy scenes starting with the beginning with Harry leaving 4 Privet Drive for the last time (which the movie glosses over the significance); Dombledore's gifts; adventures with polly juice potion in the ministry of magic; Ron battling the Horcrux (with scandalous visions); hearing the Deathly Hallows story; and DOBBY TO THE RESCUE! I really love the whole Ron-redemptive portion of this movie. I have a bit of soft spot for Ron, being a bit of a Hermione myself. This movie ends quite bleakly and glad that there's hope in the second half (which I do own, btw, so you that to look forward to--along with the others in "You're a Wizard, Harry" category). 

Verdict: Keeper

(Seven degrees: Another  appearance... I didn't realize I owned so many movies with her in them... interesting.)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Still-In-Plastic-Wrap: Les Miserables (2012)

Changed up the background to make it more movie-theater-esk with the red curtain and created a new page to keep up with my progress... OK, next movie!!

Les Miserables (2014) 

When did I get it: Day after Thanksgiving at my annual see-what's-left-at-Target-after-9am-trip (I don't do the early morning deal)

What memories/emotions does it elicit: The musical has been my favorite for years -- first introduced to musical in high school (partially thanks to an episode of Dawn's Creek where Joey sang On My Own and the other part because I hung out with a lot of musical folks). I have memories of deut-ing Little Drop of Rain with one my high school buddies during a late night ride around town during a college spring break; introducing college students in South Africa to the redemptive story during the Summer of 2003; seeing the musical live for the first time with my best friend at the Fox; eagerly anticipating the debut of this movie with many of my friends in Augusta; and most recently got to see one of my friends perform a superb version of Madame Thenardier at the Augusta Player's performance in the Fall. This movie elicits emotions of heartache, hope, and inspiration...

Lights, Camera, Action: It's a rainy Sunday afternoon here in Augusta. I usually spend my Sunday afternoons doing laundry, grocery shopping, and dreading going back to work -- NOT THIS SUNDAY! I have just finished a leisurely picnic lunch of Greek food and chatting with friends. Now, I've made my list of things I should get done by next Sunday and am looking forward to enjoying this movie... and likely singing along.

After thoughts: Did I sing? Of course. Did I get chill bumps during Bring Him Home? Yep. Did I get misty during the Finale? Uh huh. There are so many reasons I love this version. The actors sang their parts as it was being filmed instead of pre-recording their voices in studio--gives so much emotional depth to the songs. Since I also own the non-musical Liam Neeson version (circa 1998), I'll save some of my deeper thoughts of the story for that post. But I will say that the music aids in emphasizing the responses to two men in the story who are confronted with grace & mercy: Jean Valjean when the Bishop gives him the silver and Javert when Jean Valjean spares his life behind the barricade. One choses to embrace it and the other choses to escape it. I love the casting for this movie -- yes, even , God love 'em. I mean  actually made me like Cosette. Yes, that's right, I'm team Eponine--played boldly b. (Did you miss the whole On My Own and Little Drop of Rain references earlier?)  did beautifully as Fantine (snagged herself a couple of awards for it too).  as love-struck Maris and  as revolutionary Enjolras were amazing.  and Helena Bonham Carter played the scene-stealing Thenardiers to a tee. And Mr.  was INCREDIBLE as the lead Jean Valjean (why he didn't win more awards that just a Golden Globe is beyond me). So, I usually end up wanting to do something great after I watch this movie -- Who wouldn't with final words like this:

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes...
Tomorrow comes! 

Verdict: Keeper - duh!

(Connections to last movie -- Helena Bonham Carter in both playing vastly different characters AND same director Tom Hooper--Might have a fun game of seven degrees of separation starting)